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*Third Person's POV*

"Dawn, come downstairs. Breakfast is ready!" Caitlin Snow called for her daughter while placing the plates on the table.

"Coming mom!" Her daughter yelled back and in few minutes arrived in the dinning room.

"Getting ready would be so much easier if I could use my super speed." Dawn remarked, trying to hint that she didn't need the power-dampening necklace anymore.

"Dawn, you know this is for you own good." Caitlin told her with a frown. "You're too young and you don't know how to control them yet."

"But how will I learn if you never let my try?!" She protested.

"I promise you, I'll give you your chance but not know, alright? Please, understand." Caitlin said soothingly and Dawn calmed down.

"Alright, mom." She smiled and continued to eat her breakfast. "But I'm still going on that party after school!"

"Absolutely not!"

Half and hour later, Caitlin dropped her daughter to school and left to go to work.

She loved her job but sometimes it really got her exhausted.

She worked in the special lab that was under D.E.O's control and even though she specialized in meta DNA, she learned how alien one works.

She was searching through the files when her phone buzzed.

"Yes, Dawn?" Caitlin said when the answered the call from her daughter.

"Please, mommy just this once! Can I go to the party with Harriet?" She pleaded through the phone and Caitlin sighed tiredly.

"Dawn, I told you, no. You're 8! And the party's for older kids. You can invite Harriet over and I'll by you chips just this once so you two can watch movies." She tried to negotiate.

"Alright, that doesn't sound too bad. But you'll let me go to partys when I'm older!" Dawn said stubbornly and Caitlin chuckled at her.

"We'll see." She said with a smile on her face and hung up.

After tiring day at work, Caitlin picked up Dawn and her friend Harriet from school and drove to her house.

They had a nice two floor house with a small yard in the front and a bigger one in the back. Caitlin grew to love this place and called it home. After all, it was the place were her daughter was growing up and she too equally loved it.

"Here's your chips." Caitlin gave the chips to girls and they thanked her. "I'll be upstairs, working. Tell me if you'll need anything." She told them and grabbed her bag and coat and walked on the stairs.

"Ugh!" She groaned and fell on the piles of work.

Working at S.T.A.R. Labs was so much easier.

S.T.A.R. Labs. She hasn't thought about that place for a long time.

Oh how she missed the place and her friends, but there was no going back.

No to Central City. Yes to National City.

"Keep telling yourself that. You'll still be missing your knight in red." Frost remarked in her mind and Caitlin groaned again.

"Don't start, Frost. I'm not going back there. He doesn't need me and I'm not gonna cry over that." She said attempting to end the discussion.

"I know, I know. I don't like how he treated you last time. I'm just saying you should stop lying to yourself." Frost tried to calm her.

"I'm not lying to myself. I know I miss my friends and the city. I just prefer not to think about it and I advise you not to remind me of that." Caitlin said angrily and decided to turn back to her work.

"Mom, you left your phone downstairs and it's calling!" She heard Dawn's voice and immediately walked down. "Here." Her daughter handed her the phone.

She looked at the screen and saw that Cisco was calling. She answered it.

"Caitlin?" She heard his voice through the line.

"That's me." Caitlin smiled. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Can't I just call my best friend?"

"Yeah, but usually you need something." She teased.

"Mm, maybe I do. Will you help me?"

"It depends."

"It's about Barry. A crazy meta speedster is after him and his family and we need your help." He sounded hesitant, probably because Caitlin didn't want to hear anything about Barry.

"Cisco, I—"

"Before you decline, remember we all were once friends and we would do anything, even die for each other. You don't have to communicate with him, you'll just do your job and then you can go back in National City." He reasoned.

"But what about Dawn? Where am I supposed to leave her? Mom's out of country." She protested.

"You can make up a story and bring Dawn with you. Look Caitlin, I'm not forcing you or something. We just really need your and Frosty's help." Cisco knew forcing Caitlin wouldn't work. He didn't want his friend to feel uncomfortable and he was about to hang up when Caitlin spoke up.

"Alright, I'll help you. Me and Dawn will be in Central City tomorrow. Will you meet us before going in S.T.A.R. Labs?"

"Yes! Of course I can!" He yelled through the phone and Caitlin laughed at her friends excitement. "I'll see you tomorrow. Bye!" Cisco hung up and Caitlin walked to her daughter.

"Dawn, pack your bags. We're going in Central City." She announced to her and the little girl started jumping from excitement.

"Are we visiting uncle Cisco?" She beamed.

"Yes, and some other old friends too." Her mother answered with a smile.

Caitlin finished up her work and dropped Harriet to her house, then she and Dawn started packing their clothes.

Before Dawn went to bed, Caitlin stopped her and told her. "Dawn, no matter what, don't show your powers. Promise me, you won't tell a soul about them."

"Alright, mommy. I won't, I promise. But why?"

"Some bad guys are after such powers. Don't use them, no matter what." Caitlin told her half-truth. "Now, go to bed. Goodnight, honey." She kissed her head.

"Goodnight, mom!" She smiled and ran to her room.

Caitlin took a shower and then went to bed and her mind drifted to sleep.

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