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*Third Person's POV*

"I want to go in cosmos!" Dawn yelled and jumped from the stairs.

"Alright, kiddo but that's out of my power." Cisco laughed at her and ruffled her hair.

"Why? Can't you just breach mere there?" She asked in confusion.

"I don't know. Besides, how would you breath there?" Cisco asked back.

"Mom would create something that would help me breath in cosmos." She said proudly and Caitlin chuckled at their little talk.

"I'm glad you have such a faith in me." She said and smile formed on her face.

Cisco grabbed his jacket and walked up to Caitlin. "I think it's time to go. It's my turn today at cortex and we usually go there early." He told her and Caitlin hesitantly nodded.

She took on her coat while bitting her lower lip and went to give Dawn her jacket.

"Let's go, honey." She said and Dawn grabbed her mother's hand. Cisco breached them all in S.T.A.R. Labs.

"This place is amazing!" Dawn squealed when Cisco walked them to the cortex. "But why are we here?" She asked with a puzzled look.

"I work here, remember?" Cisco told her. "And your mom worked here too."

"Yeah, I remember. You were fighting the bad guys too, right?"

"Mm-hmm." Caitlin answered while she herself was filled with memories connected to this place.

"I love this place!" Her daughter exclaimed and ran around the cortex. "Mom, why would you leave this work? It's wonderful here! When I grow up, I wanna work here!"

"But didn't you want to go in cosmos?" Cisco asked her.

"Yeah, but I also want to work here. Is there a problem?" She questioned back, her tone threatening and Cisco raised his hands in surrender.

"Your kid's scary." He whispered to Caitlin and she chuckled.

"Definitely gets that one from her aunt" Frost voiced and smirked.

"Hey, Frosty! Fancy seeing you." Cisco fist-bumped her.

"Hi, Cisco." She grinned. "Now, where's my adorable niece?" She walked to Dawn who was hiding behind the counter.

"You found me!" She exclaimed and hugged her aunt.

"What can I say? I'm awesome." Frost smirked and made small snowflakes so Dawn could play.

"Is that Frost?!" Ralph yelled when he walked in cortex and saw Frost playing with little light brown haired girl.

"Ralph!" She stood up and went to hug him.

"What-how-when-why are you here?" He stammered but hugged her back.

"Cisco called saying Team Flash needed Caity's and my help so here we are." She told him and he nodded in understatement.

"And this little creature is?" He pointed at Dawn sitting and playing in snow.

"That's Dawn, Caity's daughter." She said and Ralph stared at her in shock.

"W-what? Caitlin has a daughter?" He asked still in utter shock.

"Yeah, long story." She ended the conversation. "Dawn come, I want you to meet someone!"

The said girl jogged to her aunt and looked up to the guy standing next to her.

"Dawn, this is Ralph Dibny, mine and Caity's friend." Frost introduce them and Dawn smiled at Ralph.

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