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*Third Person's POV*

Nora's birthday arrived and Dawn was more than eager to see her best friend. Caitlin could barely keep her in one place.

"Just when are we going at Nora's?!" She whined while falling on the couch. Caitlin pinched her cheeks and lifted her up.

"Soon, Dawn, soon!" She said while spinning her around.

"Mom!" Dawn giggled.

"What? Do you want me to spin you again?" Her mother gave her an amused look. Dawn denied while laughing again.

"But seriously, when are we going at Nora's?" She asked again. Caitlin groaned while going in the bathroom. Dawn stood up and walked towards the bathroom, only to knock on the door. "Mom, hurry up! We're going to be late!"

"Dawn, stop!" Caitlin shouted from the other side of the room.

"Right after we will arrive at West-Allen house!" Dawn called back. "I'm gonna get our bags and gifts and we're going, right? Yeah, love you mom!" She grinned and went in her room.

"Oh, Dawn!" Caitlin sighed and exited the bathroom.

After some time, Snows arrived at the West-Allen house. They wished Nora happy birthday and congratulated Barry and Iris. Then Caitlin sat down next to Joe and Cisco while Dawn ran to play with other kids.

"Caitlin!" Felicity grinned while walking towards her. "I haven't seen you in ages!"

Caitlin hugged her back, surprised to see Felicity. "True," They both walked towards one of the tables, drinks in their hands. "How's Mia?" She asked about her friend's daughter.

"She's well," Felicity replied. "Barry told me about your daughter! Where is she? Can I meet her?"

Caitlin motioned towards the kids not far from them. "One with the pink fluffy dress. That's Dawn." She said.

Felicity beamed. "She's so cute!"

Caitlin smiled and drank her champagne. "Is Frost there?" Smoak asked. "Say hi from me, please."

She did as she was told and then got engaged in another conversation with Felicity about their kids and their lives after these years.

"Chatting without me?" Barry appeared wearing a cocky grin. Two woman smiled at him. "How could we?" Felicity smirked.

"You two hurt me." Barry mocked a hurt expression. "More champagne?" He asked while holding the bottle.

"Allen for the rescue." Felicity gave him her glass while Caitlin denied. Second later, Dawn ran up to her mother, ushering her to come with her. They left while Felicity waved her hand. Dawn thought it was unusual for someone who she didn't know to wave their hand to her but she shrugged and waved her hand back.

"She's so cute!" Felicity squealed next to Barry while mother-daughter duo left.

"What's wrong, honey?" Caitlin asked when they walked near the stairs.

Dawn bit her lip and glanced up at her mom. "Other kids." She muttered.

"Other kids? Did they do something to you?" Caitlin kneeled down, concern written all over her face.

Her daughter shook her head. "No but... I think Nora doesn't want to play with me."

"Huh? Why would you say that?"

"Because she's with other kids. Her classmates and Mia Queen too. Iris told me she was yours and Barry's and their friend's daughter." She mumbled. "Mia's good but I thought Nora was my best friend but she's with those kids and I don't want to play alone. Am I being bad, mommy?"

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