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*Third Person's POV*

Iris and Cisco arrived at their destination. After reading the article, they knew that Cleo wasn't working in any Media building, she was just writing in her own blog. Kind of like Iris when she first started writing about Barry or Flash or the Streak as she called it.

It was hard to find were she might be. So both of them still checked the only media building that was in Coast City. Cisco and Iris doubted they would find Cleo there but fortunately, someone knew her and gave them information about her whereabouts.

"Is this the place?" Iris asked Cisco who was staring down at the paper where the address was written. "Yes, the woman said she worked here." He responded and pointed at the building with two floors. 'City News' was written on the entrance of the buidling. Same name that was on Cleo's article's ending. But building was nothing glamorous, it looked like newly opened but empty.

"You think she works alone?" Cisco turned to Iris who shrugged. "Why would she need the building if she worked alone?" She questioned back. They both shared a glance and together walked inside.

Everything was calm and quiet. The place seemed to be empty. Usually, it was loud and noisy when and people where people were working and writing about latest news but this place was deadly quiet for media building.

Iris and Cisco opened doors all the doors that was in the hallway, hoping to find anyone but every room they went in was empty.

"This place is kinda creepy." Cisco mumbled. Iris nodded in response. "It's too bad I couldn't vibe the speedter from the cloth, that way we wouldn't have to come here." He added. It remained mystery why Cisco couldn't vibe their new speedster. One of the reasons why they needed Caitlin's help.

"Is anyone here?" Iris asked out loud. Cisco slightly glared at her. "What? It's not like a scary clown will jump out of nowhere!" She told him.

"How do you know that?!" Cisco hissed. Iris facepalmed but still clicked the final doorknob open. They looked inside only to see blonde woman staring at the board in front of her like a mad person. Iris recongzined one of the pictures, it was their new speedster. How did the manage to take a photo of him? There was also a computer screen were her article was open. She seemed deep in thought so she didn't hear when Cisco and Iris went in the room.

"Hello, are you Cleo Ambrose?" Iris' question starled the woman. She swiftly turned to face them. Her features calmed down when she saw them.

"Did she thought we were that speedster?" Cisco's look asked. Iris slightly shrugged.

"W-who's looking?" The woman stuttered. She gripped the edge of her desk.

"Hey, no need to be scared." Cisco slowly approached. "We're not gonna hurt you. We just want to ask you some questions about your article."

"My article?" She paused and looked back at the computer screen. She realised what Cisco meant. "If you want to ask me about the speedster, I don't know anything other then what was written in my article."

"Are you sure?" Iris asked. "I'm a reporter too and I know when one is lying. Please, tell us if you know anything. I promise, we are not going to hurt you."

Cleo hesitated. She glanced at her board. She couldn't lie anymore, her board was full of pictures and accidents about the speedster. It would sell her. "First tell my who you are."

"I'm Iris West and this is Cisco Ramon, from S.T.A.R. Labs." Iris introduced.

"We're helping metahumans and also catching the bad guys, we're currently searching for the blue speedster. We saw your article on the internet and decided to talk to you about it." Cisco said.

"It's important for us to find the speedster. He's a threat to our loved ones and the City." Iris spoke softly.

Cleo sighed and motioned them to come and look at her accident board.

"I'll tell you everything, but I'm warning you, it's better if you leave this case, you'll be much safer." Cleo said.

"Is that why you have a big board about him?" Cisco scoffed.

Cleo frowned. "I needed the board and besides I was thinking if I should tear it all down before you two came. I'll share my knowledge and then destroy it. I'm planning to move away."

Iris nodded. "Thank you."

Cleo started talking. "A month ago I was working here. I heard a big explosion which happened few blocks away. The sky changed color and a rainbow colored lighting hit one of the buildings. I ran outside, scared and called 911 but before they came a blue lightning dashed out of the building and ran right in front of me. He left this on the way." She opened her drawer and showed them a syng of Velocity-X. Cisco and Iris shared knowing looks.

"Did you know who it was?" Cisco asked.

Cleo nodded. "Milton Terrington. A scientist and engineer, he used to work at Coast City Univeristy as a professor too. As far as I know, he's idea based on his own research was turned down so he left the place and came in here to open his own small lab. He only had one assistant. I don't remember much but I think he worked here for months, until artificial lighting hit him and he disappeared without a trace."

"And so you believe he became the speedster that we know now?" Cisco questioned.

"Yes, but I'm not entirely sure. Maybe there is someone other who became fast person but Milton makes perfect candidate. I'm not investigating him or something, only reason I have this board is because of my article. I'm writing new one, more detailed to present to Star City Media. They want knews about heroes and villains and as far as I'm concerned, I'm the only one having information about this accident." She finished.

"Can we take that syng?" He asked her and pointed at Velocity-X. "It's much safer in hands of S.T.A.R. Labs."

Cleo grabbed the syng and gave it to Cisco. "I wouldn't be able to use it."

Iris repeated what Cleo said in her mind and suddenly spoke. "Do you know who was his assistant?"

"Yes, his name is Colin Hord. I don't know him, I've only heard about him from Milton." She responded.

"Thank you, for sharing this with us." Iris told her softly. Cisco nodded in agreement.

Cleo smiled. "You're welcome."

And with that Iris and Cisco went back in Central City.

~In Central City~

"Anyone in for some pizza?" Barry asked people in S.T.A.R. Labs who were sitting in the kitchen while the kids drew on the small table in front of them.

"I wouldn't say no." Caitlin responded.

"Me neither." Ralph nodded.

Barry sped off and came back in a second with pizza boxes in his hands.

"Pizza!" Nora and Dawn exclaimed and ran up to them. Caitlin helped both girls sit down on the high chairs. Ralph put the plates while Barry placed pizza on them.

"Super speed is super cool!" Dawn smiled and took a bite of her pizza. She almost said that she wished she could use it more but then Dawn noticed her mother's look and stopped. I almost forgot! She spoke in her mind.

"Do you think I can strech my arms all the way to Coast City? That way I can get pizza too." Ralph asked them and the two adults facepalmed while the girls snickered.

"You have wierd thoughts." Nora pointed and Ralph glared.

"Meanie." He mumbled while Nora chuckled and bit her pizza. "When is mommy coming back?" She asked suddenly.

"Cisco called and said they were on their way." Caitin responded.

"And we're here!" They heard Cisco's voice and all of their heads snapped towards his direction. He and Iris werw standing in the doorway. Cisco was holing a samll syng in his hand.

"That looks like-"

"Velocity-X." Cisco cut Caitlin off. "But it's something else."

Caitlin and others gave him confused looks. "You have lots of explaining to do." She told them.

"We sure do." Cisco said.

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