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*Third Person's POV*

Caitlin was unpacking in her and Dawn's stuff in their temporary home.

Since she's staying until they defeate the speedster might as well get a place to stay.

She didn't want to bother Cisco so they settled on a small house enough for both of them since she sold her old apartment.

"Our house in National City is so much better." Frost grumbled in her mind.

"This is just temporary, will go back there soon." Caitlin assured her.

"Not if you tell Barry that he has another daughter."

"I can't do that! You know it too! Barry's happy with his family and Dawn and I are just fine. Believe me, I would've told him if I could but that's impossible."

"I think Barry's against of that word." She remarked and Caitlin fought the urge to not roll her eyes.

"Mommy, Barry is here asking for you!" She heard Dawn voice yell from the living-room and Caitlin rushed there.

"What- Barry! What are you doing here?" Caitlin exclaimed when she saw Barry standing at the doorstep with two bags in his hands.

He smiled sheepishly and said. "Uhh, I just thought since you two just settled in I could help you out. I brought food!"

Caitlin smiled confusedly and told him to come in. Dawn started jumping up and down. "Can I see what's in there?" She asked with curiosity and after getting approval she started looking through the bags.

"Ooh, I love doughnuts! Thanks, Barry!" Her daughter exclaimed and Caitlin slightly winced when she called him by his name.

"Save some for me!" Frost said in her mind.

"Frost says to save some for her." Caitlin voiced and Dawn nodded.

"Say hi to her from me." Barry said.

"She says hi too." Caitlin told him. She walked up in the kitchen and Barry followed behind.

"Are you making something?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I'll make coffee for us and orange juice for Dawn, it's her favourite." Caitlin didn't even know why she told him that but she decided to let it go and turned to make drinks.

"How has it been in National City?" Barry tried to start a conversation even though it was the last thing Caitlin wanted to do.

"It's been great, actually. I'm working in a lab on alien genes, under D.E.O.'s control and Dawn goes to in one of the good schools. We manage well." She told him truthfully.

"That's good to hear." He responded and Caitlin knew he meant it genuinely.

"How about you?" She decided to ask.

"I still work as CCPD, Iris' still a journalist and she's working in Central City Citizens. We raise Nora together, she goes to school and she has a big interest in my profession and I think Iris' kinda jealous of it." He said last one with a chuckled and Caitlin did the same.

It was nice to hear that he was doing alright with his family. Even though something in her told her that there was something through his funny demeanor.

"Don't forget about me! I help D.E.O. and assist Supergirl sometimes." Frost voiced and Caitlin's eyes glowed icy blue.

"Hey, that's cool! Kinda sad you guys didn't call me." Barry pretended to be hurt and Frost laughed at his reaction.

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