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*Third Person's POV*

Dawn and Caitlin were sitting in the living-room watching Dawn's favourite show. Although, the little girl was in deep ponder, trying to muster courage to ask her mom about training.

"Mom?" She finally asked. "Can I ask you something? But please, don't get mad."

Caitlin gave her a confused look but nodded.

"Can I train with Cisco? I watched Barry and Nora train and Cisco can train me with my speed too! I remember every single thing Barry taught his daughter. Please, please, can I train too? I know you won't let me train with Barry, no one should know about my speed and well, Cisco does so he's perfect candidate for this job." She used her special look that could melt Caitlin's heart, however her mother gave her an apologetic expression.

"Dawn, honey, I know you want to train with all of your heart but you can't." On instant, Dawn's face fell off, she looked as if she was going to start crying. "It's not time yet, dear. You're still so small. But I promise you, Cisco can train you when we'll defeat the Speed Freak and go back in National City. He's a breacher, he can come there whenever he wants."

Dawn shook her head, there was no point in saying opposite. "All right. Can I go to sleep? I'm tired."

Caitlin looked hurt, though she still nodded and watched as her daughter went to her room.

"I'm so sorry, Dawn." She whispered with tears. "I'm sorry, please."

A day passed since then. Dawn hid the fact that she was upset well. She canceled all the plans Cisco had for her, saying she didn't want to hurt her mom. She just sat silently, watching Barry and Nora train, turning them down whenever they invited her to spend time with them.

However, her façade was ruined when she and Frost sat in the S.T.A.R. Labs kitchen and discussed what happened a day ago.

"You're not mad at Caity, are you?" Her mother's alter ago asked. Dawn shook her head in denial. "And you're not lying to me, are you?"

The little girl sighed. "I'm not mad at mom, but I'm a little upset. Is she awake?"

"No, it's only me. Are you upset because she doesn't let you train now?"

"No! That's not it!" She protested. "All right, that'd exactly it. But it's foolish, right? I should listen, and I did, but I still want to run freely. It just feel so good to run around, everything's wonderful. But I have to dampen my powers. I even lied to Barry about it."

Frost's eyes snap at her. "What do you mean you lied to Barry?" She questioned. "Did he ask you something?"

"He asked me if I was dampening any powers with my necklace, he thought I had ice powers, because of this." She pulled out her snowflake necklace. "I told him that I was only wearing this because if I ever got lost, mom would find me with it."

Frost nodded. "Good girl. Tell me if anyone ask about your powers again."

Dawn nodded too. "Can I go? I want to tease Ralph." Frost gave her permission, so the girl ran away grinning.

"Caity! Caity! Caity!" Frost called for her sister in her mind. "Wake up!"

"Frost? Is Dawn all right? Is everything all right?" Caitlin asked in concern.

"Dawn, yes. But not everything. Barry is suspecting something! He asked Dawn about his powers, although he thought she had ice ones."

"Frost! How am I supposed to fix this?! Barry's not dumb, he'll surely figure something out!" Caitlin panicked.

Frost pondered. "Calm down. First thing, let me be in control for few days, I'll take care of Dawn and make sure she's with me most of the time. Barry can't ask her anything while I'm there."

"Okay, that's all right for me. Wake me up if anything."

"Of course." Frost smiled. She stood up and left the kitchen while Caitlin went back to sleep.

A week later, team Flash had survived another attack of the Speed Freak. He hadn't come in the S.T.A.R. Labs but at the West House were he felt Barry's speed. He left Nora unharmed because Cisco made a power dampening necklace for her too. They're not sure if he found out Barry's identity but it's clear he's nowhere safe.

The Flash and Speed Freak had a fight, resulting in him hidding again and Barry being treated by Caitlin in the med lab.

So far, she has been quiet, treating Barry's injuries without a word. Not even a scolding, which Barry expected would be coming from her. Caitlin's silence made him think that he truly lost value in her eyes. That he meant nothing to her and that she was telling the truth when she told him her reason of coming back in Central City.

And it pained him deeply. He still loved her. But she didn't. Dawn was living proof of it. She moved on. And as much as he and Iris suspected she was his daughter, there is no way that I could be true. Because if it was, then things would be different. He would've known. He would definitely know that he had another child. Another one, and a chancr that his true love might still love him.

"Why are you so quiet?" He finally asked.

Caitlin startled from the question but still answered. "I have nothing to say."

Barry frowned. "You always scolded me whenever you got the chance."

Caitlin gave him a odd look. "You want me to scold you?"

"No and yes." He responded.

Caitlin rolled her eyes. "And so I'm supposed to understand." She placed a bandage over his arm. He might have speed healing but that doesn't mean she can't put an extra protection. "I'm not scolding because it's not my place to do so. And besides, I think you already know that you were being reckless, running after him as if we had something against him. You straightforwardly went after him, thinking of outrunning him when he's currently the fastest speedster alive." She deadpanned.

Barry didn't say anything in response. He glanced at her, so focused on her work of bandaging. Truly, she didn't have a slightest good feeling towards him.

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