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*Third Person's POV*

Few days later Dawn and Nora were playing in Nora's room while Barry made pancakes for them.

"Girls, food is ready!" He called for them and two of them dashed out of the room.

"I'm fastest!" Dawn exclaimed and climbed on the chair.

"No, I am! I just didn't use my speed." Nora said defensively and Barry chuckled at their behaviour.

"Actually, I'm the fastest." He told them and the girls rolled their eyes.

"Mommy, said I'm the fastest." Dawn said proudly.

"Your mother probably forgot how fast the Flash rusn

"You're an adult, you're not supposed to play up with our games." Dawn said to him and Barry snickered.

"Smart girl. I suppose you get your sassiness from your aunt Frost." He mumbled the last one.

"Can I ask you a question?" She tapped Barry's hand. His felt warmth from this small gesture and turned to hear her question. "Sure."

"How did you get your speed?" Her tone showed she was curious.

Barry thought of an easy way to explain it to her.

"Years ago, particle accelerator exploded and it released a bit wave of dark matter. It happened so that because of it lightning struck me on that night and changed my genes. I became a meta and it gave me super speed." The girls listened to him carefully and Barry noticed how Dawn resembled Caitlin, except her eyes.

"Did it hurt?" She frowned.

"No, no. I mean I don't really remember. But it wasn't nice thing either." He said with a smile so the girls could know that he was alright.

"I have another question. How did Nora get her speed?"

"She got it genetically. She's my daughter so she also has meta gene which makes her a speedster like me." He explaiend to her.

Dawn seemed to grow quiet and Barry wondered if he said something wrong.

"Dawn, are you here?" Nora waved a hand in front of her face and the said girl snapped out.

"Yes, I'm here. I just thought how the genes went through a change and all. Sorry and thank you for telling me." She said and Barry smiled at her statement.

"You know, you're a lot like Caitlin. Do you know what job you want for the future?" He asked her even though he had an idea of what she would say.

"Yes, I want to became a bio-engineer like mom." She announced with a bright smile.

"I want to become CSI like daddy." Nora chimed in and Barry grinned at both of girls.

"I think your pancakes are getting cold." And by that three of them started eating.

~Two Hours Later~

"Thanks for taking care of her, Barry I hope she didn't cause too much trouble." Caitlin smiled sheepishly.

"No, no. She and Nora were just playing." He scratched the back of his head.

"Bye, Dawn!" Nora waved her hand and Dawn did the same.

Just after Caitlin and her daughter left Barry's apartment, she got a call from Cisco telling her that she was needed in S.T.A.R. Labs ASAP.

Caitlin and Dawn arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs only to find Cisco holding one black and one blue tuxe. He looked panicked. Caitlin noticed there were two bouquets, one with red roses and one with peonies.

"Cicso you look funny!" Dawn giggled at his expression. Cisco slightly glared at the little girl. "Don't mock me little Snow!"

"I mean, she's not wrong." Caitlin giggled as well. "What's emergency?"

"I have a date with Gipsy and it's a formal one." He answered while nervously walking around.

"Ooh, that sounds fun!" She grinned. "I suppose you're stuck between those two choices?" She pointed at the tuxes and the bouquets.

"Yes, you're correct!" He clasped his hands. "So, as my best friend, will you help me choose?!" He rose his voice slightly as in to show how annoyed he was from all of it.

"Sure, sure." Caitlin grinned again. "Now," She turned to Dawn. "Which do you think he should wear?"

Dawn gazed at Cisco and then at the tuxes, she pondered for good two minutes and then spoke up. "Black one. Most definitely!" She said in determination. "That is horrible shade of blue, uncle so the black one is the best choice." She added matter-of-factly.

"I agree." Caitlin nodded her head.

"Thank you!" Cisco wiped the fake sweat from his forehead. "Now, the flowers." He grabbed both of the bouquets. "Red roses or peonies?"

"Both of the flowers are romantic but I think those pink peonies are more original. Everyone always gives red roses." Caitlin told him.

"Exactly!" Dawn agreed.

"You sure know a lot for eight year old." Cisco glanced at her confusedly.

"I'm a smart kid." Dawn grinned. "Say hi to Cynthia for me!"

"I will but did she-" Cisco started but the little girl cut him off.

"She gave me permission to call her her given name."

"Oh, alright." Cisco said. "No one can resist this little creature." He smiled and lifted Dawn in the air and spun her.

"Yayy!!" She yelled while laughing.

"Now, now. We better leave." Caitlin said when Cisco put her down. "It's already late and your favourite show is starting. You don't want to miss it, do you?" She asked her daughter.

"Of course not!" Dawn frowned as if how could she imply otherwise. "Bye Cisco!" She waved her small hand and walked up towards the exit.

"Bye Cisco, good luck on your date." Caitlin hugged her friend and went towards her kid.

"Bye and thanks for your help!" Cisco called and the girls left with smiles on their faces.

After Caitlin put down to bed she went in the living-room and went over the files of the new speedster again. There was something in it that she couldn't exactly pinpoint. He was fast, that was sure. Maybe even fast the Barry and he's lightning was blue. Zoom couldn't possible be back but someone might have the same purpose that he had, right?

"If you'll ask me, he's like Zoom's copy. I mean, going after the Flash's speed or any other speedsters? That sound like Zoom. Maybe he's sick too." Frost snorted in her mind.

"Frost, that's actually genius! All we have to do is to search if anyone had simiar thing happen to themselves like Barry or Zoom. Felicity couldn't find him but we can if we search differently!" Caitlin jumped out of the sofa and ran towards her computer.

"Yes, well, I'm considered genius." Frost said in flattered tone but Caitlin didn't answer her anymore. She was searching for the new speedster. And she found something.

"Come on, come on!" She spoke while tapping her hand on the table, she was waiting for the search results. The screen changed and an article appeared with headline 'A man struck by artificial lighting.' The article was written by someone named Cleo Ambrose and it said the accident happened in Coast City.

Caitlin grabbed her phone and dialed Barry's number. He answered and before he could say something Caitlin spoke. "Barry I think I found something about our new speedster!"

Sorry it's a late update.

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