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*Third Person's POV*

Nora's birthday was coming and Dawn kept pestering Caitlin to go and buy a perfect gift for her best friend. After her mother agreed and bought gifts, they drove to Cisco's house. He had hamburgers and before Caitlin could tell him anything, Dawn jumped through the phone and yelled that they would be delighted to see him and hamburgers.

As they were sitting in the kitchen at Cisco's house, Dawn walked up to them carefully, holding her burger and showing her cute puppy eyes.

"Mommy, you know how much I love you..." She started. Caitlin and Cisco shared a look. They gave the girl an amused glance and ushered her to continue. "I just wanted to ask... Can we get a puppy? Please! Please! Please! I promise I'll take care of it, I'll even read him bedtime stories! My favourite ones! I'll even watch 'Lady and the Tramp' with it! Please, mommy, please! Is aunt Frost there? Frostie please tell mommy to buy me a puppy!" She pleaded, while blinking her eyelashes and pouting.

Cisco muffled a laugh while Caitlin frowned. "But Dawn, taking care of a puppy is such a big responsibility! Are you sure you can handle it? You'll have school, homework, your ballet classes, aren't you starting one soon?"

Dawn's face fell off. "I forgot about ballet... But I still want a puppy!"

"I'll think about it." Her mother responded. Dawn nodded and ran back to watch the TV.

"Ballet? Since when?" Cisco asked her in confusion.

"She said she wanted to learn ballet. Complained about it for weeks and I agreed. She's started her classes in summer." She responded.

"Oh!" He nodded. "Wait, now that I remember, isn't her birthday in a month?"

"Yes, exactly one month after Nora's birthday."

"How ironic." Cisco rolled his eyes. "April 18th and May 18th, right?" His friend nodded and then showed him the presents she and her daughter got for Nora.

"I got her Cinderella doll!" Dawn yelled from the living-room. "And two purple hair ribbons and a purple dress where Cinderella is drawn!"

"Wow, Cinderella!" Cisco chuckled. "Caitlin, you better get me Star Wars t-shirt on my birthday!" He pointed at his best friend.

"You already have one." Caitlin rolled her eyes. "I got Nora this purple sports outfit and a new drawing notebook along with 'cool' crayons as Dawn called it." She showed. "Oh! And a cute teddy-bear!" She grinned. "Do you think Nora will like it?"

Cisco took a look at the gifts and nodded with a smile. "I think she will love it!"

"Good!" Caitlin smiled brightly.

"You know, for her being Flash's daughter and Dawn Flash's other daughter, you have a really good relationship with her." He told her suddenly.

"Why wouldn't I?" Caitlin's brows furrowed. "I love Nora, she's a wonderful kid and it has nothing to do with my relationship to her parents. And Dawn and Nora treat each other well too, I don't want to ruin that."

Cisco nodded with a proud expression. "Good, good." Then, he stood up. "Coffee? 'cause I want one!" Snow nodded and Cisco started making coffee for them.

After their time with Cisco, mother-daughter duo went back home, were they laid down on bed and started wrapping Nora's gifts. Then, Dawn talked with Harriet, did her homework and jumped back in her mother's bed where Caitlin read her stories from new story book that she bought for her. Caitlin reading her story was always Dawn's favourite.

When Dawn fell asleep, Caitlin went out of the room and sat down on the sofa in the living-room. Tears came flooding from her eyes. Savouring so much emotions inside of her poured out in mere seconds.

How long could she lie to her daughter? She remembered when Dawn opened up to her, telling she wished her father to be on her birthday. Or to read her bedtime stories, or pick her up from school, okay with her and watch 'Brave' with her.

And now Barry was starting to suspect things. She hated it, she hated him.

Or did she?

She loved Barry Allen with her whole heart. He was her everything. But then it all went out strangely. Iris told Barry she was pregnant. Barry told Caitlin. Caitlin told him that Iris needed him and she would step aside because the baby should have both parents. She told him she would be fine. That the child was more important. But Barry refused. He said he wanted to be with her. That he could be there for Iris and the baby as well as for her. That the child would have both parents and her too.

It didn't go that way. When Caitlin needed him the most, Barry wasn't there. He slowly started to spend more time with Iris then with her. He was always there with her. Of course, Caitlin understood. Iris was pregnant and Barry wanted to protect her.

But he shouldn't have promised that he would be with her if he wasn't going too. They became too distant. Then they had a fight. Caitlin left the city because it was all too much. She couldn't be there while Barry left.

After she lost Ronnie, she couldn't take losing Barry too.

So she went. Went to National City. And soo discovered that she too was pregnant. She was overwhelmed. Happy and sad. Happy because she was going to be a mother. She wouldn't be alone anymore. She would have someone to take care of. Sad because kid's father wouldn't be there for her. That mom and dad broke up. Dad had another family, far from her.

She wanted to tell Barry about it. She tried for thousands of times. But she couldn't. She saw him happy with Iris, rubbing her belly. He was laughing and enjoying his self with his family.

So she drove back home, determined that she and her child would be all right. Besides, they both had Frost, her mother and Cisco. They would be well. She would make sure of it.

Time went by, Barry had a daughter named Nora. Flash's pride and joy.

But a month later Barry had another daughter, Dawn. Flash's other daughter.

And he only met her few months ago. Electricity going through their veins and running in fron of their eyes when they shook their hands. She knew both of them felt it. They just didn't give it too much thought.

And now Dawn wanted a father. Because Caitlin wasn't enough anymore. She couldn't be both for her.

Should she tell Barry about it? Should she tell Barry that he and her have a daughter? That Dawn is both of their child?

Oh, what was she going to do.

With those thoughts, she fell asleep.

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