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*Third Person's POV*

Barry was sitting in the living-room, watching a show while his little girl drew in front of him. Iris was working and today was he's turn to babysit.

But Barry never complained about that. He loved spending time with his daughter. Even if Nora was ecstatic to braid his hair.

"Do you like it, daddy?" She showed him her drawing.

Barry smiled at the sight of him and Nora in supersuits fighting bad guys. "That's a beautiful one, honey."

"Mommy said she had something important saved for the day when I become a hero! Just like you!" She grinned. "I wonder what it is?"

Barry shrugged, even if he knew what Iris meant.

"Daddy, Nora said she would be going back to National City. Is it true?" She suddenly asked in concern.

He frowned at first but then answered. "I don't know."

Nora frowned too and turned back to her drawing. Barry decided to make something to eat for them as he's stomach started grumbling.

"Can you bring me my colouring book? It's in my room?" Nora had asked him, so he first went there. As Barry was searching through her drawer, he heard Nora scream. Barry sped off to the living-room only to find his daughter in tears.

"T-the speedster dad!" She cried.

"Where is he?!" He rushed to her. His eyes widened when Nora showed him her arm. Small amount of blood was coming out of it, meaning someone just took Nora's blood sample.

And Barry realised they were in even bigger danger that he imagined.

"Barry this is huge!" Caitlin exclaimed while pacing around the cortex. Scarlet speedster had already filled everyone in. Iris was with Nora, calming her along with Dawn.

"I know." Barry mumbled.

"If he has Nora's blood than Barry he can become even stronger!" Her tone showing how worried she was. "He can access temporary natural speed and he can find your identity too or maybe he already knows!"

"Luckily, I have a perfect plan to find out that!" Cisco announced while clasping his hands. Caitlin and Barry both turned to him with clueless expressions.

It took a moment for Caitlin to realise what Cisco meant. She gave him a look. "No. Cisco don't even think about it!"

"What? What does he mean?" Barry asked, looking back at both of them.

"Oh, come on! It's a cool idea!" Cisco argued. "Think about it! One of us gets Barry's speed, we see if it draws speedster's attention and then we get our answer! Easy!"

"Your plan's easiness consists of taking a big risk and putting Nora's life in danger!" She snapped. "A new speedster can't control their powers and if our villain decides to go after Nora, who'll protect her? Ralph's not fast enough, Frost's not fast enough, you're not fast enough and guns are no help!" She deadpanned.

Cisco grumbled. "Killjoy."

Barry thought about what his friends said and spoke up. "I agree with you Cait, but Cisco's idea is an only thing we have right now."

"What?!" Caitlin turned to him in shock.

"Elaborate for her, please." Cisco told him.

"Whoever will have my speed, I can train them. With Velocity-X I can show them some tricks and besides we'll help too. But," He turned to Cisco. "First tell me how are we going to do that."

"And who will have Barry's speed?" Ralph and Iris asked who just entered to room.

An hour later whole team was standing at the speed lab along with the kids.

"Can I get the speed?" Ralph suggested with a glint of sparkles in his eyes.

Everyone shook their head.

"Did you forgot your our babysitter?" Dawn said to him while shaking her head.

"Can I?" Iris asked. "I already had it once. I know how to use it."

Everyone considered her preposition but then Barry shook his head.

"Even if you protect Nora, you'll be left without protection." He spoke.

Cisco exclaimed. "Caitlin should do it!"

"Me?" Caitlin asked in confusion, staring at her friend who was nodding like a freak.

"You have Frost. And Frost can be fast enough to protect Nora and protect herself too. This way you'll be in less danger." He explained.

"Oh!" She nodded in understatement. Barry agreed with them.

Cisco gave her Velocity-X for the test. As the syng went through her blood, Caitlin's hand started vibrating.

"Mommy's gonna be a speedster!" Dawn cheered from across the room were she and Nora were watching everything with interest.

Caitlin smiled tightly and tried to control her own body but the speed was all over her.

"Calm down and concentrate, Cait." Barry told her. Caitlin nodded and took a deep breath. She stared down at her hand which stopped vibrating. She sped off around the room and struggled to stop slowly once she finished.

"This is so, so cool!" She exclaimed while grinning next to Cisco.

"I know, right?" He said.

"Alright, Velocity-X doesn't last too long so we should start practicing." Barry clasped his hands, motioning Caitlin to follow him while others sat down comfortable to watch.

Now it wasn't so comfortable for Caitlin to have viewers while she failed miserable to run fast and stop slowly, but Barry was so calm and gentle with her that it made everything less complicated.

"Go mommy!" Her daughter cheered even when her mother fell, she shouted louder for her to get up and keep running. Her little hope, her little girl who gave her power and will to run.

Even if Dawn wanted to run too, but it wasn't her time yet.

"Your mom is cool!" Nora whispered to Dawn who nodded proudly.

"She's one of the best." She grinned and continued to cheer as Caitlin finally got a hand of it all and mastered her powers until Velocity-X ran out of her system.

On the other side of the room, Cisco spoke to his friends. "One part of our theory is proved."

Caitlin and Barry didn't understand it at first which caused their friend to facepalm and elaborate. "We know it for sure that the evil speedster is looking for a natural, speedforce speed. As he didn't came after Caitlin or Velocity-X."

"True, but we already knew that much." Caitlin said. "When are you going to get a name for him?"

Cisco shrugged. "Until I see him in action. You can't force good name, darling. I need my precious time to crown the speedster with unchangeable name!" He's voice boomed like he was some kind of a kind which earned him chuckled from Dawn and Nora.

"No mocking your uncle!" He glared at them who laughed even harder.

"Welcome to the oppressed-by-Dawn-Nora-club. I'm the captain." Ralph put his arm on Cisco's shoulder who grumbled in response while others snickered.

"I think Barry might be joining that club." Caitlin giggled. Barry rolled his eyes but still whispered to the boys. "They thought I was ugly princess."

Cisco and Ralph widened their eyes as they let a gasp of shock and then muttered 'How dare they!' and comforted Barry.

Caitlin, Joe, Cecile and Iris almost roleld down from their laughter. Nora and Dawn were really mocking poor guys.

"Do they know they're acting like little kids?" Dawn has whispered to Nora who shrugged. "They believe they're artists, kings and Princesses so I say they don't." Nora whispered back while Dawn giggled.

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