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*Third Person's POV*

"Sleepoverrrr!!" Nora West-Allen yelled once she arrived at the Snow house. She and her sister got thier parents to agree and let them have their sleepover. Although, the sleepover only lasts till 11 pm. After that, it's time to sleep.

And even though the girls were having a sleepover, their father tagged along because Iris was leaving the city for two days.

Well, Barry didn't exactly voice to stay over at the Snow house, Dawn dragged him and kept saying that the spark was there and the opportunity too and he had to come and also he and Nora wouldn't like him to be alone and on that Caitlin added that the girls were right. So in few words, Barry had no other choice but to join the sleepover.

"Coffee?" His true love asked, holding two cups of coffee in her hands. Barry took the cup and thanked her. They were both sitting outside on the bench while the kids watched movie in the living-room.

The two of them fell in a comfortable silence. But how nice the silence was, they both longed to talk. They wanted to say so many things but had no idea were to start from.

And so, no words fell out and the couple remained in a stillness.

Until Barry remembered what his daughter and close friend said.


"So, um, Frost mentioned she would be working with the Supergirl again, is it true?" He was not surprised from his stupidness but this was only thing he could ask at the moment.

Caitlin nodded. "D.E.O. offered us a permament job. I'll be a bio-engineer while Frost will assist the Superfriends."

"That's great." He smiled. "What about Dawn?"

"She'll be at school, on ballet and you can bring her here in Central City on weekends. But don't worry, I'll always make time for her, I won't leave her alone. We agreed, you can visit her whenever you want or she wants." She replied while taking sip of her coffee.

"And can we spend time together?" He asked. "I mean, you me and Dawn, as her family."

She nodded. "We can arrange that."

"And what about us, Cait?"


"Will we ever get back together? Will we ever have a chance to start over?" He bombarded her with questions Caitlin didn't want to answer.

"I don't know." She responded honestly. "But I want to." She gave him a small smile.

Barry's heart filled with delight. "Cait, do you still love me?"

Caitlin stopped. She didn't know what to answer.

"Don't you still love him?" Frost's voice rang in her mind. As much as she wanted to say it, she just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Because if she answered, things would change, and she would be back in a relationship she had no idea if it would work.

Didn't they have their chance already? Didn't everything end up in a mess? Weren't both of them left heartbroken?

But one good thing that they got as a gift, is Dawn. Dawn Snow-Allen. Little girl who wants nothing more but to see her parents happy and together.

And Caitlin wants that too. Because she's still utterly in love with Barry Allen. Always has been and will be.

But she's scared of the future, one that they'll have together. She's scared that things will mess up again and she'll be broken.

By the time she decided to answer, Barry was gone. Looks like he went back inside. Caitlin looked through the window and saw Barry sitting on the couch while the girls did make-up to him. She chuckled and opened the door to get inside but stopped on her tracks.

She just left Barry without an answer. Which meant that there was nothing she could do.

She loved him with all her heart, but they weren't meant to be. She would only break his heart like he would do to hers. They had Dawn and that would stay as an only connection the two of them had.

Because if she ran up to Barry right now and told him that she loved him, she would be happy and eveything would become so much better.

But she was scared, scared again.

And so, they would never happen.

"I'm sorry..." Tears wet her cheeks. She watched her true love play with his daughters as she slowly moved towards her room and locked the door.

Now she could cry her heart out. She was destined to be alone. She and Barry were never a match.

It was always them, except, seperate.


Few days later, Frost, Vibe, the Elongated Man and Kid Flash were standing in the speed lab, guarding the kids and waiting for the Speed Freaks arrival.

The clone Flash was in the cortex with Joe and Iris while the actual Flash and Kid Flash were distracting the Speed Freak.

Soon the clone appeared and the team started fighting him. Nora and Dawn held their hands, Dawn was whispering that they could do it and was giving her sister more courige.

The Speed Freak cloned himself again and it went against the kids. Lightning flashed in the eyes of the Allen sisters. They dashed out of the room as the speedster folllowed their lead. Clone Wally went after them. He fought the evil speedsters while the girls went in the cortex where the Wests were. The girls let out a sigh of relief until Nora felt someone grab her in her jacket.

Nora let out a scream as all attention snapped back on her. The Speed Freak touch her hand and started to extract the speed from her until something happened and the speedsters fell down, his whole body electrofing.

Iris pulled her daughter from the area while Joe picked up Dawn. The blue lightning spun around Milton until it was fully gone. The Speed Freak layed down unconsious on the floor.

"Did we do it?" Dawn whispered to Joe who nodded with a smile. "We did it, Dawn."


Some time later, Caitlin and her best friend, Cisco Ramon were sitting in the kitchen of her house. Dawn was with her father and the two of them were chatting while mother Snow made food for them.

"So you're saying even if Dawn's powers were dampened, they still felt connection?" Cisco asked in desbelief.

"Yes, Barry and Dawn both told me they felt something. Like a lightning running through their veins. Must be some Speed Force magic because I don't know how to explain it otherwise." She answered.

"This is absurd and awesome at the same time!" Catilin rolled her eyes playfully but she thought something like that. "When are you and Dawn leaving?"

"In few days." She responded. "My work's starting."

"Caitlin, don't you think about staying?" Cisco asked her carefully.

Snow stopped and looked at her friend. "Of course I am, Cisco! But I can't! I'm dam too scared of everything to stay! I'm doubting the future that can make me truly happy."

"Future with Barry..." He muttered. "You know if you don't tell him you love him now, you might lose him forever."

"I know that!" She snapped. Then her expression softened. "I'm sorry, I know you're only looking out for me."

Ramon nodded sadly. "Don't lose this chance, Caitlin." He said and they dropped the subject.

Altough it didn't leave Caitlin's mind.

I just hope, everything will be all right.

There's only one chapter left till the story ends.

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