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Riddhima's baby shower was done on a good note .Riddhima moodswings are at different levels now a days making Vansh work whole day for her .Riddhima is in her ninth month and she is sitting on bed with a magazine and waiting for Vansh their he entered with a plate full of noodles for her .

Riddhima quietly took the plate and started eating and After eating she gave it to Vansh and lay on her side of bed and slept while Vansh was confused at her behaviour .

Va : What happened sweetheart .

Ri (angrily): Let me sleep . Your stubborn baby make me awake whole day and night .If today night I didn't get sleep I will kill you .

Riddhima covered herself with duvet and slept. While Vansh also lay at his side of bed .

Riddhima opened her eyes feeling cramps in her belly and she caressed it a little and again lay on bed and closed her eyes . After 20 minutes she again opened her eyes as the cramp were increasing and finally her water broke .

Riddhima shaked Vansh to wake him up .

Ri(shaking him): Vansh Vansh wake up .

Vansh: What happened sweetheart .

He touched the damp bedsheet and told .

Va : Riddhima tumne ro rokar pura bed gila kar diya sweetheart .

Ri (angrily): Shut up Vansh .Wake up its paining .

Vansh immediately opened his eyes and ran to call Angre .

Ri : Vansh mujhe toh leke jao .

Vansh came back and picked up Riddhima and took her to car and made her lay on back seat in his lap while Angre was driving .
At Hospital

Riddhima was in OT Vansh also accompanied her as she was

Va: Is it paining sweetheart .

Ri : No No I am enjoying it .Or nahi toh kya dard ni hoga to kya hoga .Jab tum pregnant hoge na tab pata chalega  tumhe .

Vansh was shocked what Riddhima said .

Vansh : Sweetheart try .

Riddhima was cursing Vansh badly and he was embarrassed infront of Doctors .

Ri : Vansh I will not let you to touch me again .She slapped hard on Vansh's face and in rage she pushed so hard and soon her face had relief .

They heard a baby's cries
Soon Riddhima lost consciousness and the doctor revealed the baby as a baby girl .

Vansh was dancing as his princess came in world and his family is completed now .

Soon Riddhima was shifted to private ward .

Everyone was happy .

Siya: What will you name her bhai .

Va  :Vanya .

Da :  So the baby's name will be Vanya .

Viyansh and Vansh meet Vanya and Riddhima and Vansh was happy as his little family was completed now .

Ishani was about to touch baby when Viyansh threw her hand .

Vi: You should not touch my sister without sanitizing yourself.

Ishani looked at Vansh and he gave her a can't do anything look .

2 days later . They were brought at home and Vansh was the happiest. Viyansh and Ishan  proved to be  protective brothers who don't even let anyone come near his sister. Not even Vansh .Riddhima had to push Vansh  out of home everyday. Vansh was really protective for his  kids.After 2 years Dadi died happily seeing her complete family. 

After that no misunderstanding came between them and they lived happily.

The end


Sayonara .

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