Chapter 2

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"Okay, not to be rude but we know you guys. What are you guys doing here?" Alexa asks confusedly

Chris, Scarlett and Kimberly nodded at each other and decided to tell them now.

"We're your parents" Scarlett said smiling sadly at them and nervously might I add.

The twins' faces immediately drop, looking at each other. Alexa's face shows no emotion, more like thinking but Axel is full of rage.

"Axel- "Kimberly trying to calm him down before he made a scene here but Axel cut her off

"NO! Let's go Lex" Axel said in rage grabbing his twin sister and pulling them away from the others but Anna noticed Alexa wincing in pain while Axel dragged her away and Axel also noticed this of course.

"It's bruising isn't it?" Axel asks softly as he stops midway. Anna and Kimberly rush to the twins along with everyone trailing behind them

"Lexa?" Anna asks as Alexa just stays silent not looking at either of them.

"Take off your gear Alexa" Axel said and he do it himself taking out his twin sister gear when Alexa still stood there doing nothing

"I think we should go to the hospital," Kimberly said as soon as they saw the bruise on Alexa's left arm.

Axel then slowly lifted his twin sister and carried her to Kimmy's car to go to the hospital.

Alexa still didn't say anything at all. She's either in pain or thinking hard about this whole situation. Their biological parents who abandoned them just came back into their life. What would they even want?

Axel is also silent throughout the whole ride to the hospital. He wants an answer from their parents. Why would they abandon them? What did they do wrong? And why are they coming back? What did they want?

He also has this hope that they want them back because he wants a dad that'll come to see his game and a mom would cook for him and his sister. He wants that, he needs that. No, they both needed that. They may be 15 in 3 months but they are still a child at heart. They missed out on being a child.

When they arrive at the hospital, Axel has calmed down a bit. Alexa on the other hand still can't be read. He notices that everyone was there including Scarlett and Chris who look very worried. His expression softened at their worriedness. Maybe they want to fix things.

Alexa is now being treated by the nurse and doctor. Leaving the others in the waiting room.

Scarlett and Chris just sit there waiting too. They have been in touch with Kimberly for a week when they found out about the kids. Kimberly has briefed the parents about Axel and Alexa but not much. Kimberly knows that Axel and Alexa need to tell their parents by themselves or if they want to talk about it to the parents it's their decision. Not her. Kimberly just tells them about Axel personality and Alexa being the tough cookie after all their past they've been through. And Kimberly just said that their childhood isn't the same like others. It's not something to be happy about. That makes the parents feel bad about leaving them. Guilty eating their souls alive after knowing that.

-30 minutes later-

They all get inside of the Alexa hospital room. She needs to stay for 2 more hours because the doctor wants to supervised her for the time being in case her pain gets worsened

"Lucky for her no broken arms or ribs. Just some bruise" the doctor stated once they all in the room

"We need to keep her for 2 more hours. We need to keep her supervised in case her pain getting worse" the doctor added

Growing Up | Evansson TwinsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang