Chapter 25

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Chris had come home and was told by Scarlett everything that happened about Alexa's confession. As a loving and understandable partner, Chris comforts Scarlett and he actually begs her to not give up on Alexa.

"I don't wanna lose her Chris" Scarlett mumbles in Chris's chest as they are hugging in the middle of the kitchen, in the middle of the night.

"Hey, we won't lose either of them, Scarlett. We'll never gonna lose them ever again" Chris said firmly as he hugged the mother of his children tightly.

He too can't wrap his mind if he loses Alexa and Axel again. He'll never take that risk ever again.

While the parents were busy being lovey-dovey, Alexa and Axel just came downstairs. To grab some water because Alexa just woke up from nightmares. She seeks comfort from her comfort person, Axel.

So of course when they both saw the parents hugging, kissing and lovey-dovey, their eyebrows rose up through the roof in surprise.

The parents had told them that they weren't in any relationship when they first met with the twins again. So what are they seeing right now?

"We're in this together, Babe. I won't leave you or the twins" Chris said after a while.

"I know. And I appreciate that" Scarlett answered

Okay so definitely a couple now. The twins thought as they looked at each other with a pointed look.

The twins make their presence in the room known to their parents by clearing their throat and the parents immediately pull away from the lovey-dovey hug.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Scarlett asks after wiping away her tears and turns to Alexa and Axel in worry.

"Needed some water" Axel responded "And we also needed some answer after what we saw just now"

Alexa and Axel will definitely tease the hell out of the parents right now by their red faces if Alexa wasn't still mad/ hurt at Scarlett. But the twins will definitely tease the hell out of the parents when the time is perfect.

"I think what we saw just now is already enough for an answer," Alexa said, taking everyone by surprise. They clearly didn't expect Alexa to say something as she's more quiet these days.

"Are you both okay with that?" Scarlett asks worriedly. That question managed to catch the twins off guard. They look at each other warily as if they were having a conversation in their head.

Why wouldn't they be not okay about it? It's good right that their parents fall in love with each other? It means that this is the structure to keep it stronger so that the parents won't go anywhere.

But what catches them both more off guard is that the parents ask them, they are concerned about them.

Never have they ever had adults concerned about their opinions except from Anna and Kimmy.

Axel's face then turns to their parents who look nervous waiting for the answer and he softens ridiculously at that sight.

They really did concern and care about them but they just had a funny way of showing them that.. Especially to Lexie.

And somehow Scarlett and Chris's nervousness flew away a bit when they saw Axel's face soften.

"We're happy if you both are happy. I mean, it's every child's dream right to see their parents in love with each other?" Axel exclaimed earnestly that making both parents' hearts fluttered at the wisdom words from their son.

Scarlett and Chris just smile sadly but somehow with pride. What did they do to deserve the twins in their life? But they sure as hell won't be throwing the chances again. They've had enough of it.

And now as they watched the twins closely, Scarlett somehow saw Lexie's red eyes and the worry came back again.

"I'm happy for you both" Alexa cuts her mother before Scarlett could say anything about it. Scarlett seems reluctant to ask the 'Are you okay' question but she knows better than to point it out right now in front of everyone.

Scarlett just shot her daughter a smile. A genuine happy smile.


After they had gone back to their respective room, Scarlett was now standing outside of Lexie's room. Finding the courage to knock on her daughter's bedroom door.

After she found the courage, she waits a bit for an answer and she felt relieved when she heard muffled 'come in'

When Scarlett stepped inside of Alexa's bedroom, she found her daughter sitting against the headboard, staring out at the window.

When Alexa meets her Mother's gaze, she looks at her Mother in question. Scarlett settled slowly next to Alexa in bed but still gave the girl a space.

"Are you okay?" Scarlett asks with a bit of worries overlaying in her tones.

Alexa just furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not knowing what Scarlett's insinuating on.

"If this is about you and Chris-"

"It's not, Baby" Scarlett interrupted quickly. She knows her kids are happy about it so that thoughts are long gone from her overthinking it. "You came downstairs with Axie and your eyes are puffy red. What's happening?" Scarlett points it out softly.

Alexa immediately gazes away from Scarlett.

This might sound harsh but doesn't mean if she's happy that her parents are in a relationship, that means all of their problems before this are solved just like that.

Alexa is still very much traumatized and felt betrayed. By Scarlett.

And that's the harsh truth that Scarlett has to accept.

"I need to sleep" Alexa said, laying in her bed and turning away from her mo- Scarlett. "Do you mind?"

And Scarlett's heart continues to break.

She did this to herself. She knows.

But she also damn well knows that she'll try harder on getting her baby girl back.

"Yeah, yeah" Scarlett whispered brokenly that made Alexa feel a tug of pain in her heart hearing Scarlett's tone.

"Goodnight, Baby" Scarlett whispered close to Alexa's ear, leaning in to kiss the girl's hair but Alexa just flinched and Scarlett momentarily halted when she noticed her daughter's tense at that.

Both Scarlett and Alexa felt a lump in their throat as they tried to hold back their sob at those actions just now.

So, Scarlett just left the room in a hurry because she already felt her tears flowing out.

After hearing her bedroom's door close shut, Alexa knows that she's all alone in the room now and she finally lets her tears out as she silently cries herself until she falls asleep. 


So. Lots of thing happened in this chapter! The twins already know their parents relationship. And they're happy about it! Despite the situation is not so cool between Alexa and Scarlett. 

I know I've been MIA! Don't worry guys. Next chapter is on progress. Next chapter gonna be released on next Wednesday! <3

I hope you guys are having an amazing day/ night wherever you are! If nobody tell you this yet, I just wanna say I'm proud of you guys for everything you did! Even if you are eating or getting enough water to drink! SO DAMN PROUD! WE'RE IN THIS TOGETHER YEAH?! 

I love you in every universe guys! <3!!!! 

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