Chapter 30

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5698 WORDS OF A PURE FLUFF CHAPTER! I did promised you guys a fluffy Wednesday and a fluffy Wednesday you shall get! >-< 

Scarlett woke up the next morning with content

She was smiling from ear to ear while preparing breakfast, while she was showering, while she was getting ready, while she was staring at herself in the mirror.

She can't stop smiling and she was so excited to start the day with her family.

Mimi, Aunt V and Uncle Ian were in the kitchen already when Mama walked into the kitchen. Mimi notices Mama's smiles and she smirks at her daughter while Mama bit her lip from splitting her face from grinning widely.

Aunt V just looks back and forth at Mama and Mimi and the same goes for Uncle Ian.

"Okay I know she's your favorite but it can't be the reason that she just walked into the room that got you both like this?" Aunt V teases

Mimi and Mama just playfully rolled their eyes and got into work to prepare breakfast for everyone. Aunt V and Uncle Ian just looked at each other with confusion but they decided to let it go for the time being.

After an hour or so, the tables are served with lots of breakfast menus. There are bacon, eggs, bagels, pancakes and the adult morning protein drinks?

They decided to eat at the kitchen because today was supposed to be a laid back day for everyone and they don't want to fuss over serving food at the dining table.

The gentlemen slowly start to fill in the room and the kids follow behind and obviously the twins were the last one to be in the room. Axel has awakened long ago but he needs to wake his twin sister up and wait for her to get ready so they can go downstairs together.

Scarlett's face lit up as soon as both her children came to her sight with Axel's arm slung around Alexa's shoulders. Those two are surely inseparable but when they are in their silly fights it was a headache for the mother but she realized she didn't want to trade that for the world.

Now, on to why the twins were the last one to arrive was because Alexa was catching up with her twin brother about what had happened last night with Mama and Mimi. Axel couldn't stop smiling when he listened closely to what Alexa said.

So, when the twins come downstairs and into the kitchen, they greet everyone with 'good morning' and then go to Scarlett to give her a morning kiss, making Scarlett surprised for a second but then she quickly recovers when Alexa and Axel move onto their father next.

The twins giving morning kisses clearly caught both parents off guard and apparently the entire Johansson's family too because they knew everything about them because Scarlett's been telling them. Scarlett didn't have anyone other than her own family to turn into when she needed someone to talk with.

Mama caught Aunt V and Uncle Ian's face dawned into realization and she sent them a smile while Aunt V just shot Mama a proud pointed look.

Progress being made.

The twins then sat next to Eliza who were sitting far away from the adult. Eliza was also smiling at them and the twins just returned the gesture.

"So, we're gonna start our BBQ right after we finished our breakfast" Mimi started as she fixed her plate of breakfast and everyone followed pursuit.

"We're gonna have burgers, brisket, chicken wings, mac & cheese and potato creamy salad" Aunt V listed. The guys mouth immediately watering at that

"Do you have nerfs guns here?" Uncle hunter asks

"This is my new house. I don't have it in here" Mama answered. It's true, she usually rent another house, smaller house than this mansion because she's only have Rose back then but now she got her twins back so she's rented this house because of them and last week she actually bought it even though she knows they'll be living in New York once they've done filming the new Avengers here.

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