Chapter 7

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Axel found his sister at the front school with bags. She's ready to leave. Just waiting for the adults and they have to go back home packing and start to live with Scarlett.

Alexa can't stop thinking about the comment Jessica made just now. it's fucking with her head. Axel is just standing next to his twin sister. He knows she needs some time to process everything and he didn't want to make her more upset.

"Lex, could you look at me please?" Axel asks softly as he can't take the silence anymore. Alexa turn her head and look into Axel

"You have to get her out of your mind. This thing between our parents will work. I promise you and deep down I know you know this will work. You gotta believe that Lex. And you know I will keep you safe from everything and anything. Mentally and physically." Axel stated

Alexa wants to do that. Believing it, but she can't. She doubts everything right now. Her mind is not in the right state.

But nevertheless, Alexa just nodded her head with her emotionless face. This gonna be a long journey Axel thought

Alexa will keep everything to herself, she'll lock herself up, she wants to be alone. She didn't care about the world. This is what happens when Alexa gets really tired mentally. But this is not how she'll react when she can't keep it to herself anymore. She'll be worse than this and Axel hopes it'll never happen anymore.

The adults then got out and met with the kids outside after signing the release paper for the twins. Kimberly watches Alexa intently. Alexa has this urge to run away from all of them but this won't help it. She'll makes things worse

Alexa didn't even talk to them at all. She just stays silent and without her realizing they've arrived at their apartment and have to start packing and also Lizzie and Robert were there too. They said they wanted to help them pack their things. It'll be a lot easier and faster.


Alexa is halfway through packing her second luggage when Scarlett comes to her room

"Alexa, are you okay?" Scarlett asks worriedly, seeing as her daughter not being verbal much which is very not her.

"Yeah. I just don't like packing. It's tiring" Alexa said, turning to Scarlett and giving her a fake smile. Scarlett knew that was a fake smile. And Alexa is one cold bitch, it's still weird when she's suddenly being nice like this. So, everything is completely not okay. Scarlett doesn't want her daughter to mask her emotions like this.

"Well, I figured. That's why I ask. Axel has 3 adults packing with him. Do you want any help on packing?" Scarlett asks, trying to have some alone time with her daughter.

"If you don't mind, could you please pack my essentials in my bathroom? Just put it on this bag" Alexa said, handing her mother a mini bag.

"Of course I won't mind. Is that all of your stuff?" Scarlett said pointing at the 2 big luggage that was full with clothes, her Mickey bear, school stuff, laptops and gadgets stuff in it.

Alexa just nodded her head and continued packing. Scarlett then goes to do the task that she's asking for. Alexa doesn't have lots of stuff, but this girl knows how to keep her body clean. Hygiene is really important and skincare is a lot in the bathroom.


After 2 hours of packing, everything is finally done. The apartment doesn't seem changed much because all of their stuff is mainly in their own room and the twins don't have lots of stuff too. Axel also told Kimmy that they won't stop paying rent for the apartment and Kimmy promised them that she won't tell the others about this.

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