Chapter 9

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After Alexa finish with her showering, she goes downstairs to be meet with everyone at the dining table with breakfast served on it

"Good, you're done. I'm starving. Please sit Alexandrea '' Axel said once he noticed his twin sister. Alexa just complies nonetheless. She was about to sit next to Axel who was sitting next to Chris but Scarlett grabbed her hand and put her next to her instead.

She fixes Alexa plates, putting pancakes and blueberries on it and passes the syrup for Alexa to put it on herself with how much amount she would like too. Chris did the same to Axel. Normal for the parents to do that. Usually, Scarlett was the one handling Alexa and Chris will be the one handling Axel.

They all started their breakfast, making a light chat conversation with each other. Axel seems to blend in with this but Alexa is still awkward from time to time.

When everyone is done with their late breakfast or more like brunch, Alexa helps Scarlett with the dishes. Not gonna lie, Scarlett is really enjoying this moment with her daughter.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" Chris asks as he sips his coffee watching the mother-daughter duo wash the dishes

"I can sit here all-day watching Alexa and Scarlett doing dishes" Lizzie said with hands supporting her chins. Scarlett just chuckles at her best friend comment

"Unfortunately, we ran out of plate to wash" Alexa stated as she turns to see them

"I think we could go shopping" Scarlett suggested

"Lord, no. Please don't let her go shopping. She has problems when it comes to shopping" Chris said, shaking his head.

"Alexa too" Axel muttered under his breath but everyone could hear it perfectly fine. Alexa and Scarlett unintentionally rolled their eyes in unison

"God, there's two of them" Chris and Axel said in unison putting their head on their hands

"THERE'S FOUR OF THEM. GOOD GOD" RDJ said in exasperation as he saw the twins developed the same attitude as their parents were.

"I'll take that as compliment" Scarlett and Chris replied in unison at RDJ

Alexa's phone then rings, she picks it up and excuses herself from everyone. Scarlett frowns at that because she wants to hear what it was about. Yeah, she's an overprotective mother and a nosy mother too.

"Who's that?" Scarlett asks when Alexa came back

"Um, I have to go to work" Alexa stated guiltily

"Work? you still work? Is this the ice-cream shop you've been talking about?" Scarlett asks and Alexa nodded her head

"Baby, I think you should quit from work. You won't need that anymore. Your father and I will give your allowance monthly" Scarlett stated

"And if you guys want anything, just say it. We could buy it for you guys" Chris added, agreeing with Scarlett.

Alexa looks at Axel contemplating but Axel just shrugged his shoulders

"Okay, fine. But I don't wanna quit from modeling" Alexa informs

"That we could agree on. But you can't skip school, your grades have to remain good and even if I see that it slipped a bit, you have to stop. Okay?" Scarlett stated out the rules

"Totally got it" Axel said agreeing and Alexa just nodded her head when Scarlett look at her for answers

"Good, you can call your boss back saying you both won't work there anymore. We'll be doing a family outing today with the godparents. So, go get ready and meet us back downstairs in 10 minutes. Both of you" Scarlett exclaimed and the twins went upstairs to their room and changed even though they don't know where the adults are taking them too.

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