Chapter 43

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*21 November 2023, Tuesday*

They've all come to an agreement on Alexa's bucket list

On what she wants to do

Basically it doesn't consist of dangerous things so the parents willingly agree with it so long that none were injured or in any dangerous activities.

Brian and Noah will joins them over the weekend since they have school but starting on the twins birthday, they'll attend a week of online school and stay with Scarlett and Chris as they want to spend their time together

But as of now, the family of 4 just stay together and spend their much needed time together. To also compensate for several years that the parents missed out.

The extended family of theirs give them their privacy but they check in with each other every day. Alexa got texts, call, facetime session with her extended family every day

They have a plan to go to her mother's Hampton's house for vacation but since it's gonna be winter and freaking cold, they decided to go camping. It's in one of Alexa's bucket list wishes.

Rose is gonna come home tomorrow since it's gonna be their mother's birthday.

Speaking of, they're gonna celebrate and make a surprise.

Chris has a plan with the twins.


Alexa's condition. Even for Scarlett and Chris who just got the girl back in their life could see the difference after the girl were being properly diagnosed

They could see how she's getting tired, how constantly she gets sick and not being energetic. Imagine if the person who wasn't really there with you could notice the difference, what about Axel?

He felt his heart breaking so damn much at seeing her like that but Alexa always assures him with a smile or being her cheeky self to cover it up.


After dinner, they could see how Alexa fights off her sleepy state. So, Chris and Axel helped with doing dishes since Scarlett and Alexa made dinner

Scarlett went to put Alexa to bed. She loves moments like this where she tucks Alexa in for bed, staying with her daughter, caressing her back in a gentle way to coax the girl into sleeping and just mesmerizing her daughter's face features.

In times like this her sorrow, her regrets also linger around the longer she watches Alexa on how grown up she was. How grown up Axel was.

Alexa peeked an eye open as she heard a sniffle coming from her front, where Mama was laying in front of her, next to her on bed.

"You're so emotional Mama. I know where I get it from now" She said with her sleepy mumble and cuddle her mother closer

Scarlett on her part just pulled her daughter closer, putting her chin on top of her daughter's head as she was just soaking in the moments with Alexa.

She's been doing a lot of thinking. Overthinking is more likely. About the future. How it'll look like if her daughter weren't there with them. Because whether she wants to believe it or not, her fear is taking over her whole mind.

No matter how she and the others denied that possibility out loud, they were thinking of it. The thoughts managed to get on them.

"I love you My Sweet Mushy" She said in a quiet whisper to which Alexa just giggled in response because she loves how Mama always calls her by that nickname now.

She'll call Alexa by her name only when she's ticked off now, which rarely happens. And Scarlett knows how much Alexa loves calling by the nickname she called her daughter seeing as Alexa's face lights up every time Scarlett calls her by that name.

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