Chapter 46

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1st December- 12.00 am (Midnight)

Scarlett, carrying a sleepy Rose in her arms with Chris holding a birthday cake, candles lightened up the dark in the hallway upstairs, outside of Alexa's room and slowly the 3 of them walk inside of Alexa's room, revealing Alexa and Axel sleeping, the birthday twins.

It's a tradition for the twins to sleep in one of their beds on their birthday night. Alexa and Axel want to be the first to wish their birthday to each other.

"Chris, take a photo first" Scarlett said whispering to him as she saw a cute sight in front of her. Alexa and Axel curl up on each other in their sleep while Axel's arm protectively wrapped around Alexa. And Chris obliged on the task given, taking a picture firstly with a wide grin. He was too busy mesmerizing at the sight of their first borns and thanked Scarlett for reminding him to snap a picture of it.

"Let's wake them" Chris said as he sat on Alexa's side of the bed while Rose and Scarlett on Axel's side

"Sissy, Axie, wake up" Rose said quietly as she shook them. Axel stirring awake with Alexa with a slight hum coming out of them

Slowly blinking their eyes opened, furrowing their eyebrows as they saw that it's still dark out there until they saw the candles and a cake that Daddy is holding

"Happy birthday babies" Scarlett said with a wide grin as she saw their face lit up

"Birthday songggggg!" Rose said with an excited squeal and they did it, they sang a birthday song to the birthday twins with a happy smile after Chris put his phone on recording to record this moment.

"....birthday dear Axie and Lexieeeeeeeee, happy birthday to youuuuu~~~~"

"Time to make a wish" Chris exclaimed as he near the cake to both of the twins who were grinning so widely

Axel close his eyes, along with Alexa, making their wish before the blow the 15 candles on the cake

"Mama and I make cheese cake just like how you both like" Chris said with a chuckle and kissed both of the twins forehead "Happy 15th birthday my babies"

"Because we know our twins didn't like cake so much and only eat this kind. Sooo we made it for you guyss" Scarlett added, kissing their forehead next

"Thank you Mama, thank you Daddy, thank you Rosieeee" Alexa smiled widely. Actually it was her who didn't eat other cakes. She doesn't like it very much.

"Thanks Mom, Dad, Rose!"

"So what do you guys wish forrrr?" Rose asked, being the nosy cute little sister.

"Well we can't tell! It's a secrett!" Alexa exclaimed as she tickle her little sister's tummy to which got the girl giggling at that

"Noooo, tell meeeee pleaseee, I'm not gonna tell Mama or Chrissy! It's brother-sisters secret!" The girl try to persuade

"Hey! What!? No fair!" Scarlett said joining in

"Yeah! I wanna know too!" Chris exclaimed, being nosey as well

The twins just laughed at their family's antics.

No, they're not gonna tell their parents and sister what they wish for. It's private and they know it's too impossible to be true. Especially on Axel's wish.

For Alexa to stay with them, healthy and let them have their happiness forever, together.

And Alexa, wish the same, no matter how willing she was already with her fate with her sickness. She doesn't want to leave deep down but she has to make peace with the fact that she can't stay forever and her time isn't for any longer.

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