Chapter 44

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It has been several days after Scarlett's 39th birthday.

They celebrated her birthday with so much joy, laughter and smiles. And it continued on like that for the next days

Today, they're planning to go to the aquarium.

Alexa wanted to go there and also Rose was there and it's also a good time to spend time together with just the 5 of them.

So, this morning, at 10 am precisely, they all have arrived there after breakfast, the whole car ride to the aquarium consist of Alexa, Axel and Rose singing at the top of their lungs, Sing 1 and 2 playlist

Favorite movie ever. The playlists are wholesome as well

Scarlett, being the proud mother she is, recording the whole things on her phone and grinned the whole time and joined in the singing from time to time which resulted in her family cheering at her

"Mama's singing live! Who could get that? No one but us!" Alexa exclaimed as she got out of the car while Scarlett laughed with her face blushing slightly getting compliments from her children, helping Rose out of her booster seat.

"So who's the lucky one? Definitely us! Mom, you should be a singer! Wait, are you consider a singer now since you do sing in your animated movies" Axel said excitedly

"No little man, I don't think I'm considered a singer" Scarlett said with a chuckle as the question struck to herself. Is she or is she not? But meh, whatever she said to herself. As long as her kids are happy, she's happy with whatever she is.

Scarlett took Rose hand after putting on a cap and a sunglasses, Chris mirrored Scarlett's appearance as they don't want to catch any attention from people much since they're out with their kids

Rose pouted one of her hands was locked in her mom's one. She needs freedom! Which is her way of freedom giving Mama a heart attack so yeah.

Another side of Mama's hand holding Alexa's.

Might think the 14 year old wasn't a runner like her 9 year old sister but wrong. Alexa chases the duck when she sees it.

And Mama just wants to keep her babies close to her

Axel navigates the way inside of the aquarium and Alexa, Scarlett and Rose behind him and Chris the last one to enter as he is just guarding them from behind and manages to snap a picture of his little family.

Alexa's face lights up as they walk inside, she already went to the aquarium but only once when she's a toddler and it was thanks to her kindergarten that brought her there. And it was also in LA and not NY so it's a new experience and so exciting.

And what's more exciting is that Chris and Scarlett got to witness this.

Axel's face expression along with Alexa was so worth it, it's like the parents got their another 'first' with the twins.

"Mama jellyfish!"

"Oh my! Mom! There's a big tank of nemo fish!"

Scarlett just grins at both her babies as they vibrating from their place and pointing to each of the things they're listings to their parents

Chris recorded the whole thing as these memories they wanna look back at.

"Daddy I wanna touch the jellyfish!"

"What!? No!" Chris and Scarlett both said in unison as they looked at Alexa in disbelief. Scarlett immediately tightened the hold she had on Alexa before the girl ran off to the jellyfish and touched it.

And Alexa just scoffed and pouted with her eyes rolling, she wanted to touch the jellyfish! But apparently can't.

And before Axel went near the jellyfish, Daddy managed to grab the boy before he could make any step there.

These twins have a way of when one couldn't, the other would do it and test it how it goes.

So, the parents are in a long way with them but nothing they want to trade with the world

"Mamaaaaa! Black widow spider!" Rose squealed from her other side, jumping up and down in excitement as she found the creature that was in the box

Alexa on the other hand, shrieks once she faces the creatures immediately. She hates cockroach, spiders and lizard (but never Lizzie tehehe)

Alexa shriek and jump away from her mother as Scarlett has gone to the front of the box to see the black widow spider with Rose

"Want to touch jellyfish but the spider in the glass box scared you huh?" Scarlett said in amusement with her head shaking, holding out her hand for Alexa once again as the girl moved away from the hand holding.

"Sissy's funny" Rose added with an amused smirk

"Give her lions, crocodiles but not spiders, cockroaches and lizards" Axel exclaimed with a grin as he moved forward to look at the creature himself since he had no problem with it at all.

Scarlett and Chris chuckled in amusement and continued their journey in the aquarium, enjoying the time


They discover a lot of types of fishes there, sea creatures and more!

Alexa can say she's in love with sea creatures.

Especially sharks. She reads every fun fact that they came across with. She will read it out loud for Rose and they'll come up with their imaginations or expectations. One way or another on how they bond together.

And after a long while of walking, they finally got to the end of their aquarium trip. Alexa bought a shark plushies, a rather big one meanwhile Axel bought the shark sunnies just for fun and Rose bought the shark slip on slippers to wear in the house

And Chris decided to buy them all a shark onesies to which Rose commented as "Now we have Daddy shark, Mommy shark, brother shark, sister shark and baby shark! We're complete!"

They all just grinned and nodded their heads. They complete.


Once they got to the car, when Chris about to drive out of the parking lot, Alexa knocked her door for the locked to be opened and she bolted out once Chris got the message

Alexa throw up everything that she consumes on breakfast

Scarlett went out of the car and rubbed Alexa's back in a soothing manner to coax the girl while she threw her guts out.

One of the symptoms. 

And after Alexa emptied her stomach, her face turned pale and her energy lowered. Mama gently guides her to the car once again so they can go back home and let Alexa rest.

The whole car ride was tense, worried and concerned with silent coating the atmosphere.

Rose for the most part, concerned, since she hasn't been told of her sister's sickness. They don't know how to tell the girl that her sister is basically dying. But they'll tell her, they just need to find a proper word for the 9 years old. And for now, she just thought that her sister eats wrongly that is why she vomits.

Axel, worried and tense. Oh scratch it, it's not just Axel. Both their parents were the same. Their first time properly going through her symptoms after being diagnosed.

The symptoms have started showing and it sure as hell won't just be 'light' symptoms.

And for the most part of the days, Alexa, spends her day in bed as she has lost energy and in pain.


Hey, have a good day/ night wherever you guys are <3

Love yall

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