Chapter 10

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It was now Monday. School day and Scarlett and Chris first day of filming.

Yesterday, the twins were not doing much because Scarlett and Chris had a table read at the set before they started filming for today and tried over their costumes and sort. So, the twins just settled at home, watching movies, doing some homework and some studying.

Scarlett has stated some rules to the twins such as 'No attitude, no cussing around especially when Rose is around, no wandering alone, always tells her where they're going, call or text her and Chris and always pick up the phone when she or Chris call'

And most importantly, don't set the house on fire. Alexa found that funny.

Now, the time to go to school. Ugh, Alexa is still sleeping in her bed peacefully. And Scarlett was dreading to go wake her up but Scarlett has no other choices.

"Baby, can you wake up please? You have to go to school" Scarlett said as she cleared the hair on her daughter's face. Alexa just groans in response

Okay, she's gonna be moody this morning that's for sure.

"Anna texted me this morning that you have to go to school since your theater competition is in 2 weeks. There are lots of thing to be practice" Scarlett stated

"You and Anna have been texting now? Are you guys friends now?" Alexa asks as she hears Anna and Scarlett texting each other.

Scarlett just furrowed her eyebrow in confusion but nevertheless she nodded her head

"Why wouldn't I be friends with the person who's been taking care of my babies? Of course I'll be friends with her. I wanna know everything about you guys that your father and I missed out on" Scarlett exclaimed

No, Alexa, is not worrying about that much. She's more worried if she ever decides to be troublemakers. Anna will obviously tell Scarlett about it. And Scarlett is one scary mother that Alexa won't mess with. Yes, Alexa is not scared of people easily anymore but when Scarlett comes back into their life, all the things that Alexa does, she always thinks of the consequences of getting caught by Scarlett. Woah, that thought alone makes Alexa shivering down to her spine in fear.

"Nope, Axel and I can tell you everything. You're not gonna be friends with her anymore" Alexa said sitting up

Scarlett just laughs at that because she knows why. Anna has already told her

"You're scared if you're getting caught when you decide to be troublemakers aren't you?" Scarlett said smirking

"NO! I mean that's- I- no" Alexa said stumbling over her words making Scarlett snorted her laughs

"Go get ready and meet me downstairs for breakfast" Scarlett said, kissing the top of her head and out of her room to leave her getting ready for school.

Alexa just groans in exchange and she gets out of her bed, to her shower and getting ready.


-25 minutes later-

Alexa went downstairs and met everyone in the kitchen. Axel was eating his pancakes that Scarlett made. It will surely be his favorite breakfast from now on.

Alexa on the other hand, she can't eat breakfast no matter what. No, eating itself makes her feel like she wanna puke. She doesn't even know how Axel gets to eat all the time. Scarlett then push her plates that she fixes for Alexa, Alexa just pull a sorry face to her mother

"Honey, you have to eat. You need nutrition to stay focus in school" Scarlett said sighing

"I can't really eat. That thought alone makes me wanna puke" Alexa said mumbling quietly and pouting but Scarlett heard that loud and clear. She grows concern on that comment

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