Chapter 49

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They managed to get the adults to agree with them going camping for Alexa's bucket list. So one bucket list got ticked off.

Even though it's just in their backyard, they'll take whatever they can and Alexa couldn't be happier.

Chris has definitely bought the most comfiest and most expensive camping tent set up. He goes all out for the kids' happiness.

They've also called Haz that night and informed him of the activity they're gonna do. And Alexa didn't forget about her cousin, Eliza.

Which leads to today,

Evans- Johansson mansion house that is full of teenagers, well technically not really full of teenagers, just 5 in total. Brian, Noah, Alexa, Axel, Eliza and Harrison (Haz)

Eliza arrived at 9 in the morning with Harrison and they start sorting out their camping site in the backyard

Scarlett, Vanessa, who were dropping off Eliza and wanted to check in on the family, and Anna just watched them from the kitchen that is connected with the backyard while the teenagers laughing as they tried to make the camping tent stand on its own

"Come on! You wanna go camping but you don't have the patience to figure out how to make your tent!" Axel said as he belly laugh at his twin sister grouchy face

Alexa's patient wearing thin since the tent did not cooperate well with her

"Mushy baby, you gotta make sure the tent strings got in properly to its compartment" Scarlett in amusement and with a soft chuckle, reading the instruction on how to build the tent

Where's their dad you may ask? He's in the backyard couch with his beer, watching the scene in amusement because he is banned from helping per Alexa request

Alexa starting to regret that decision as it seems

"Just so you know, your daddy is watching and he just needs you to say the magic word" Chris said in a sing-songy voice. Who is he kidding? He'll help them right away when Alexa even as much as pouting on his way but he didn't want to interfere because this is core memory that they're making.

He knows Alexa will figure it out and he believes she could do it.

"Eliza, honey, the tent already have the hole compartment, you don't need to add more or else the tent will never works anymore" Vanessa exclaimed with a laugh as she saw her daughter trying to make a hole to put the steel strings

It got all of the adults laugh in amusement at seeing the teenagers struggles on how to putting up the tent they're gonna stay over for the night

But eventually, they managed to put it up amazingly.

After 2 and a half hours much to their dismay.

Chris got it on camera, he recorded the whole thing up until they're succeeding on it and when they cheered excitedly, jumping up and down.

They even set up a huge projector screen for their movie night.

Vanessa stayed until after dinner, helping Scarlett, Chris and Anna handle lots of teenagers. Not that they need it, the teenagers were obedient enough as it is and they're truly having fun

Like everything was normal and no one was sick.. Dying kind of sick.

It's nice while it lasts and Vanessa wants to be in the part of core memory making.

Alexa offered for the adults to camp with them but they politely declined and saying "It's okay, you kids enjoy your time together for tonight"

After dinner, the teenagers decided to do some bonfire while they play guitar and talk about things and laughs until they forgot the time and it was already midnight

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