Chapter 20

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After they have arrived at Chris's house, Chris goes to help Axel to clean up and Scarlett with Alexa. Axel was totally fine mentally and physically though his knuckles were still hurt but he said he really didn't regret it one bit.

Everyone has called the parents to ask for an update regarding the twins. They wanted to come but the parents said maybe tomorrow or another day since Alexa is still pretty shaken up from these things.

Alexa really needs her mama right now because she knows that the only person could help her through it and she did want to give her mama a chance to fix this. It's her way to know if Scarlett really meant what she said the other day.

It was now after 2. Scarlett has put Alexa in her room. Alexa has a really hard time answering questions.

Scarlett has gone to the kitchen to cook something for Alexa and Axel. Anna informs the parents that Alexa still didn't eat anything yet. Scarlett was hoping if she cooked herself, it'll convince Alexa to get her eating.

Axel is in his twin sister's room. Like Axel told them before, he can't get far away from Alexa anymore. Axel can't help but feel guilty that his twin went through all of this just to protect him. He's the big brother, he is supposed to protect his twin sister.

Scarlett and Chris were downstairs preparing the late lunch for the twins. Chris were actually just keep Scarlett company in the kitchen while he sort today's issues with his lawyer for further action on the Quill's

"Yeah, if they don't want to take responsibility for their actions then we'll fight against it in court" Chris said on the phone with his lawyer and Scarlett just nodded her head agreeing

They were planning on suing the Quill for sexual harassing Alexa and since that Brandon kid is kind of a jerk, he could be send to juvenile too. That's for messing with the wrong people.

"Okay. Thanks man. Anything you can ring me. Update me for the progress........ Alright........ Bye" Chris bid his goodbye to his lawyer

"That'll teach them a lesson. I hope" Chris said, putting his phone back down on the counter and sighing in exasperation.

"Lexie is still shaken up. Axie still can't get over his guiltiness" Scarlett said, tears brimming her eyes and Chris gets up from his stool and goes hugging Scarlett to comfort her. One of them will always comfort each other if the other one were about to have a breakdown. They have to be strong, for the twins.

"We have to keep trying. We can't have a breakdown because the twins were the ones who go through it. Though it's painful and we felt guilty about it, we can't break down. They'll need us" Chris said, still hugging Scarlett tightly as Scarlett melts in his embrace.

After all of the things they go through together, Chris and Scarlett are still going strong. Their unspoken feelings didn't mess up their relationship at all. Though actually everyone could see it. The way how Chris treated Scarlett like a queen, Scarlett always with Chris all the time and not to mention they know about each other a lot. Their go- to menu, their favorite food, morning coffee, favorite snack and much more.

Scarlett pulls away from the hug and looks into Chris's eyes that she is still in love with. Never once does she stop. Everytime she looked into those blue eyes, she always felt butterflies in her stomach.

"I don't know what I'll do without you in my life Chris" Scarlett said in somber tone

"I made an oath to never leave you or the twins alone anymore. I'll always be there for you guys" Chris answered truthfully

There it is again. He awoke the butterflies in Scarlett's. How can Scarlett resist being far away from him? Chris is the perfect man for Scarlett. She knows that but she's too scared if things go south between them, she doesn't know if she can handle losing Chris in her life.

But guess after 16 years being together, not leaving her side even once when she's married to somebody else, that changed. Especially when the twins are back in their life.

Scarlett's lips touch him. Before she wants to pull away from the kiss, Chris deepens the kiss and she knows she's not making the wrong move when kissing him. Both of their feelings are finally being told with that kiss.

They continue kissing each other passionately until both of them are out of breath. Their foreheads rested against each other and smiled towards each other.

"I've been waiting for that too long you know?" Scarlett said chuckling and teasing him making Chris laugh too

"Oh yeah? Well, no more waiting because I'll hover you and pepper you with my kisses" Chris replied smirking and kiss her back but this time it's just a short kiss

"I love you Scarlett. So much that it hurts me to keep it to myself. Never once in my life did I ever stop loving you. Not even when you're married to Romain. Not even when we decided to give the twins up. Not ever" Chris confessed his heart feeling to Scarlett.

Their forehead is still attached to each other and Chris could see Scarlett's shocked face. She wasn't shocked because she didn't feel the same way, she was shocked because she also felt the same way on Chris. They've been friends for almost 16 years now. But the first time she ever laid her eyes on him, she fell in love instantly.

"Funny, because I'm also waiting for you to say that you love me and I've been loving you ever since I laid my eyes on you" Scarlett replied, smiling at him. Chris was grinning from ear to ear when he heard that statement.

Chris picks her up, hugging her and spinning her around with him in his kitchen. He felt so happy that he finally got everything in his life right now. His twins are back, he confessed to Scarlett and Scarlett also felt the same way to him.

Once they've done being lovey-dovey celebrating their newfound heart confession to each other, they started to think about the twins' back.

"You know that we have to gain the twins' trust back. I need to gain Alexa trust back and I'm sure I have to be there for her every single time and Axel will need you too. We have to put them both first for the time being" Scarlett stated and Chris just smiles and nods his head understandingly because he too thinks about the same thing.

"I was about to say the same thing. We have to put them both first. As long as we're in this together" Chris replied

"This is why I love you. I'm gonna go and try to feed Alexa. Let's just hope she could eat it even a bit" Scarlett said and smiling sadly at the last comment, bringing the tray full with 2 plates of fettuccine carbonara. Alexa's favorite


Needless to say, Alexa couldn't eat at all much to her parents dismay. Alexa just keeps on being silent throughout the whole time. Axel was beyond worried for his twin sister. The damage is too far for them to fix her right now. They don't know how to fix this. They are out of ideas. But they didn't stop fighting to fix her. They'll do everything and anything for her and Axel.  


HEHEHEHEHEH EVANSSON SHIP IS SAILING IN THIS STORY!!!!! But I'll not be focusing on the couple much. Just at the twins and their parents relationship. 

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