Chapter 8

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Next day, Alexa woke up at 8 am. Big shocker, she wakes up early in the morning. Her mind is overdrive right now. It's fucking mess right now. She can't even sleep properly. Every 2 hours she's awake. She also awakes when Scarlett and Chris come to her room last night wishing her good night and kiss her head. They of course didn't know that Alexa awakes because she pretended to be asleep.

Since today is the weekend, that means no school. Isn't it frustrating that on school days you can't get up but when it's the weekend, you awake earlier than you should be? Fucking Jessica have to be a bitch yesterday. Why does that comment really catch her off guard? It's because she really hopes that these things between her parents work out. Deep inside she wants this.

Alexa thought that this is not doing good for her just lying in her bed. So, she decided that she could do her morning run. She loves working out. It's like her escape place. Running does make her feel better. Usually it does.

Once she's ready with her work out clothes, she goes downstairs and kinda surprised that everyone was awake. No actually she's not that surprised. But Axel and Scarlett on the other hand seem surprised seeing Alexa awake at this time

"Lex, you're up early?" Axel asks, smiling to his twin sister.

"Where are you going?" Scarlett asks, seeing as her daughter is in some leggings and a long shirt with her jogging pairs and Airpods on her ears.

"I was just looking for you. I'm going for a run. Is that okay with you?" Alexa asks Scarlett and Axel. Well mostly Scarlett because she knows to respect Scarlett obviously.

"Okay, I'll go get ready" Axel said, about to sprinting upstairs to his room

"Axe, I'm gonna be fine. I won't go outside of this neighborhood. I promise" Alexa said, smiling at him. The smiles didn't reach her eyes. Axel didn't like that one bit.

"Lex, this is not okay Lex. This is not what we promised each other. I'll always be there for you" Axel commented, sighing at her.

Alexa looks back at Scarlett who was looking at the twins with a worried face.

"I'm just going for my morning run, Axel. You don't have to worry about me. I'm fine. I promise. I'll be back for breakfast" Alexa said trying to assure her twin brother that she's fine even though she was internally crying, having a breakdown for being weak like this.

"Just in the neighborhood okay honey? And be back for breakfast" Scarlett said. At least Alexa is still in the neighborhood and nothing will happen because this is a secure neighborhood. No one can easily enter in and out of here.

Alexa nodded at Scarlett and she kissed Axel cheek to convince him that she's okay. No matter how hard she's hiding it, Axel always knows it.

"There better be food when I'm home" Alexa yelled jokingly as she goes to the front door

Once Alexa is out of the house, Axel sighs sadly looking at the door. Why does this have to be now when they are about to be happy? Does Alexa really can't catch a break? Is she really can't be happy for once? He just wants his twin sister to be happy too.

"Axel, come on. We'll make breakfast. She'll be fine" Scarlett said, calling for Axel who was staring at the front door.

He just complies with his mother and helps Scarlett make breakfast.


3 hours passed by. Did Scarlett start to regret letting Alexa go running this morning? Absolutely. Axel has to run through to find Alexa while Scarlett stays home waiting, in case Alexa did get home. She has called Chris and Chris were now with Axel to go finding Alexa in the neighborhood.

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