Chapter 50

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TW: A brief mention of a character hurting themselves (Just a mention of the past) 

Long chapter



As I was just chilling and looking around on the sunny days, watching over the blue sky, a sound that made my mouth turn upwards to a smile approaching my earshot.

Footsteps that I know by the heartbeat even when my eyes are closed I could guess who it belongs to.

None other than my dummy lovely twin brother.

I lean into him when he sits next to me on the ground but except our bodies don't lean into each other...

And I could see Axel's face aren't as smiley as it usually did

He's sad today

"I missed you" He said with his broken whisper and his tears couldn't hold back in anymore and it hurt me to see him like this

No wonder he came to visit me again today. He was here yesterday and he usually came in between two days but this week, it has been going on for a whole week.

As I try to brush his curls as I always wanted to do so since a few months ago, I can't. I cannot physically touch him. Them.

Not anymore.

"Been 3 months without you. Physically without you. We missed you, Pupu" Axel keeps voicing out and his voice is a second away from letting out his sobbing.

"I'm sorry" I said as I tried to comfort him. I really am sorry, I wish I won't cause them this much pain.

"Mama finally have the courage to get in your room today"

And that makes me smile sadly,

She has been coming everyday since the day I... left...

First two weeks were tough. She's been crying and staying seated in my grave even when it's raining. Either Daddy or Hunter will come stay with her after that to make sure she won't get rain all over her if it were to rain that day.

And then after two weeks, she came without crying but also without her usual spark on her face. I sat with her, for as long as she was there. I listened to her rant about her day, how everyone was being strong because that was what I wished for before I left.

"Mama said she can't keep on wallowing. She doesn't want to hurt you because she promised you" Axel explained to me as I listened to him with his crying voice.

"She told me that too. I need to hop in her dream later tonight to say thank you for the consideration. And also to remind her that it is okay to grieve on me. Grieving isn't linear, I'm aware. It doesn't have due time. I need to remind that to you guys too actually so tonight gonna be hop in on another dream to another as it seems" I said, trying to make the tone lighter even I know Axel can't hear them

"You should talk to her. She always listens to you better. Other than Dad obviously. Well, I'm sure you'll get to her dream tonight" Axel said as if he could hear what I'm talking about and thinking to do

"I'll make sure to come visit you tonight too" I said with a soft smile as I hear his sniffles going crazy by now

"You better visit me" He replied with a warning tone but it sounded like a plead

"How's Dad then?" I asked, as if he could hear them but somehow, someway, he knows what I wanna know. Maybe it's the twin bond that we shared

"Being strong for us but he breaks when he sees the hoodie you stole from him a few months ago before you left. Mama took it because it has your scent and Dad's too. So double comfort for Mama but then she saw Dad breaking down, she spent 2 hours holding him last night" Axel said, giving me updates on whatever happened yesterday.

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