Chapter 29

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"Come to gloat? Rub my nose in your perfect life?" She doesn't lift her head to speak to me. Her words bite. Looking at her close she seems to be missing her light, her usually pristine skin has a dull colour to it instead of the bright glow it normally has, her normally bright blue eyes are dark; nothing shines back in them. The bags under them just add to the darkness she is emitting. How far she has fallen from the bright bubble she normally is. Leaning over the counter to look closer she lifts her head eyes narrow in on me, her lips are cracked and thin. No make up to show off her perfection. "No. I came for coffee." I dont have the harsh words on my tongue any more, the thoughts no longer hold resentment.

It's pity. I hate pity.

"Of course you did," she seethes before standing to walk to the coffee maker. My hand darts out to wrap around her wrist "sit" I tell her nodding back to her stool. She puts a grimace on her face stepping away from me causing her arm to extend awkwardly. "Please." Closing my eyes, deep breaths in. Don't push away your friends, Cage. Dominics words sit on my chest heavily. I remember the good times with Cheyenne and Scott. Once upon a time we were good friends, spent a lot of time together. Chey never made me feel like a third wheel. Her eyebrows knit together looking me over and she moves towards her seat as I release her wrist. Pulling out the stool she sits glaring at me, "what? Something wrong with my face?" She asks, rubbing at her cheek.

"Ya actually there is." Telling her her face glows beet red with anger.

"If all you did was come her to insult me Cage, Get Out." She shows off her teeth to me and I can't hide my grin. "This isn't funny, leave!" She shoos me away with her hand and I notice they aren't painted up, they were chewed down.

Grabbing her hand looking them over she snatches it back. "This isn't you." Pointing to her hand and her face, "you put a lot more time and effort into yourself than this."

She hides her hands in her lap, pressing them into her shirt while her face darkens more. "It's early in the morning, that takes time."

"Time you always put in before stepping out of that room. I have known you for years now Chey, you always look picture perfect."

"Well maybe I don't have time for that any more." A single tear escapes from her now shining eyes. She wipes it away quickly before placing her hand back in her lap and looking to the counter, blowing out a shaky breath.

"Maybe you don't care enough." I tell her

"So what if I don't, what do you care?" Her words are said in a hurtful tone. She's hurt.

"I'm sorry it got like this. I do care." I try to reason with her but she doesn't take it "when have you ever cared! All I did was try and be nice to you, set you up with a good friend!" She snaps her words with a bite of her teeth as her eyes start to glow and a slight presence is pushed by her wolf towards mine.

"All you did was try to force your bullshit. Get real Cheyenne stop blaming everyone around you. It's time to grow up and take responsibility. I am trying here, you should too!" Snapping back we both have our teeth out, pushing dominance onto the other. To her credit, she lasts longer than expected. Her wolf doesn't cower so easily.

Little feet are heard from the stairs before heavier ones sound quietly and slowly behind them. Cheyenne looks away first before getting up and going to the sink to deal with her mess. I can feel the anger and hurt vibing in the air. I can also taste the salt. Sophia puts Greyson back in his high chair and securing him in before looking between Cheyenne and me, she wrings her hands together before looking to the fridge mouthing "should I feed him." Looking at Cheyenne she is dumping the food in the trash before slamming the frying pan on the counter hitting the sink handle to turn on the water. Banging the plates off one another, one breaks into pieces and she drops it into the sink with an exaggerated sigh. "Get your coffee and get out." She doesn't turn to speak with us. Her hands grip the counter and I can see her nails poke through before retracting back in. Sophia stares licking over her lips and her eyes grow darker from the middles, energy is starting to crackle in the air about to combust between them. Cheyenne whirls around coming face to face with Sophia. Chey has height on her, taller than most females I know but Sophia straightens out not backing down.

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