Chapter 30

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I can taste the copper on her tongue before it's swallowed down. Sophia has started chewing her cheek again since some of the warriors from Forêt Norie came in and started training, mostly talking amongst themselves. Even Chantel dragged her closer to us as she started to get uncomfortable and Sophia's foot taps in a tempo of aggression as she leans to one side with her arms crossed, ear perked while listening in on their conversation. "It's not worth it," Conner grunts as he finishes his set of push-ups, standing back up and grabbing his water to drink while watching her. She turns her murderous gaze on him, "scuse me?" I can feel her bristling under her skin causing my own fur to rise. Her anger is starting to mingle in me, I can't tell where she starts and I end. Dismissing the last of the pups before coming over to her side. Her mind has been swirling the more she listens to them speak amongst themselves; she is taking in the words translating them her best in her mind. Brushing my hand over her hip before gripping it softly leaning down kissing her temple, "Sophia," whispering in her ear she pulls away slightly from me to watch the warriors as they spar with one another while the others stand, talking and watching. Her teeth start to grind against themselves and I grip her chin, "shouldn't do that," I tell her like she does to me and that glare stares me down now, "do you have any idea what they are saying?" she asks.

Shaking my head my french is basic at best, "not really." I know it isn't anything good with the few words I do know and the look on her face says it is even worse. I catch a part of their conversation in my ear when they laugh loud and hard after a few females pass by them. "Je Baiserais ca" I hear one muttering between laughs while another grins with a bite to his lip, "me prendre tout..." he responds. Looking back to her, Sophia has her fists balled at her sides and glancing at Chantel she picks up her daughter and walks straight to Sam, muttering angrily to him. Scott leans in curiously with his arms crossed, "what are they saying? my french is only enough to communicate for pack needs."

Sophia breathes out harshly, "basically talkin' about how they wanna fuck these girls. It's disgusting! why do ya allow them to speak so crudely to women?'' She turns that fury and storm on him and he leans away blinking his eyes in surprise before standing to his full height. Sophia does not stand down. "I would never allow that, these are not my wolves and I had no idea," he tells her and she straightens her spine trying to stand taller mimicking his movements. She gives him a smile tilting her head and Conner takes a slight step away from them both with the action making me look at him strange.

"Sophia honestly we had no idea," I say as I look back at her, trying to soothe down her rising rage. Glancing back to the warriors, the subtle motions of their hands as one rubs his together while another adjusts his shorts says it all. I can feel my teeth penetrating my gums as the wolf shows through.

"Gonna start a war if you go over there," Conner grunts a warning.

"I don't need your advice, I'm aware," snapping teeth his way while he shows his right back as our wolves start to posture to one another.

"Alright quit!" Sophia puts up her hands and motions with her hands for us both to stand down but her eyes are starting to darken with every comment out of their mouths. Another comment and Sophia takes a step towards them locking her sights in, her own teeth are starting to show and she is ignoring the feel as they break through, stretching the skin. something is starting to sit right under her skin and it's exciting my wolf beyond control.


Cheyenne walks in the door holding Grey and Luna Lisa walks along with her, making their way toward us and a few of the males glance their way. The beta leans toward one of the warriors putting his hand to the side of his mouth, "Je la baiserais si mal qu'elle marcherait a peine apres" he says and Sophia is gone like a firecracker faster than any of us can even blink or call for us to stop. Conner cracks his neck before following after her, "here we go," he states before glancing back at Scott, "I'd follow if I were you Alpha." I am already trying to reach for her hand to stop her. "Sophia, ignore them" I try to warn. I can feel a pressure on her chest as she turns my way, eyes fully dilated, nails and teeth ready to shred, "would you simply ignore if they spoke to me or about me like that?"

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