Chapter 15

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Seeing me in her driveway, Sophia is cautious when she steps out of her car. Holding the door open and letting the dog out after her, he limps to the house but not before stopping and threatening to me his displeasure of my presence on his territory.

"What are you doing here Cage?" She asks me as she walks around the back of my truck, glancing over to the contents of the box spread out on the tailgate. I'm in a daze trying to figure out who Dustin was, the things he valued. I still can't wrap my mind around the thought. "What's all this?" She Points to the items.

Looking over It takes a moment before answering her, "my father's things, apparently." It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to say it out loud.

She pauses for a moment to examine me, "why did you come here with it?" It's a calm tone.

"I didn't know where else to go or who to talk to." Hanging my head. "I feel lonely." It is hardly a breath out.

"Are you okay?" She takes a step into my radius. It's hard to keep myself together. All I want to do is grab on to her and forget about the world, but I can't.

"I don't know. I don't know how I feel. I never cared to know, maybe when I was younger but I stopped wanting to know a long time ago but now I can't stop wondering."

She puts her hand on my back, rubbing it slowly along my spine. My eyes close at the feel. "Want to talk about it?" Looking over everything I have already studied there is nothing to be found here. "Not really," I tell her.

"Are you hungry?" She asks instead of pushing the topic.

"I could eat."

She heads towards her house, leaving me to clean up my mess alone. Looking it all over once more before putting it all back in its box. Nothing really stood out to keep. A few photos of people I don't know or recognize. An old camera. Some faded plane tickets and souvenirs. Nothing of importance, not for me anyways.

The house smells good when I step in. She is making two sandwiches from the meat in a crockpot. "It's not much but at least it's something." She places the food down on the table before opening a bag sitting on the counter.

"What happened to your dog, I noticed him limping." Trying to start a conversation. It must have been where she was all day, why we couldn't reach her. I got so distracted in that box I hardly noticed when she finally arrived. Rubbing my hand over my face I feel drained of energy.

She hums distractedly while putting a phone together and turning it on. "He's just a dumbass and got himself stuck in the pond off the property a ways. Was chasing something. I had to go in after him." She sits across from me focusing on the screen while overlooking a piece of paper giving a scowl shortly after.

"Having trouble?" Pointing to her new phone.

"Ya I hate these stupid smartphones, I prefer my old one but I broke it getting him out." She gives a pointed look to the laundry room where Keno is hiding on a blanket.

"Can I see? Maybe I can figure it out." Outstretching my hand she hesitates before carefully placing the phone in my hand. I notice she tries to avoid touching my bare skin.

Going through the phone is simple, it's not that different from my own. Setting it up to be easier for her to access what she needs and showing her how it works. A short silence overcomes us after, she looks away not knowing what to say other than a thank you. Taking my plate and placing it in the sink. She stands there. Waiting.

It'll have to be me who breaks the silence, it's just taking me time to find the right words. After her reaction yesterday I don't want to scare her off again.

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