Chapter 39

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Conner drives fast and we try to wrap Dominic as best we can in a torn blanket from inside Luca's cab. Lucky for us he left his keys inside with his lack of pockets. "How did you know to come?" Asking Nate as I hold my own side and shake my head back and forth when I start to feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness; I'm losing too much blood and my wolf is barely there. Only starting to stir, trying to wake as the poison leaves me. It does nothing for the silver that's sliced me open though and my hand and side are coated in red.

"Connor sent me a text and luckily I seen it. They've attacked Scott's lands just as we received it otherwise we would 'ave been quicker," he tells me as he keeps the blanket tight around his alpha, listening closely to his heart. "Stay ya prick, ye still owes me money for our bet!" He's scolding Dominic with his teeth out, trying to make his friend stay. Looking out around we pass dead wolves in the ditches from where Luca had to fight them off. The human news station will have everyone terrified and locking their doors for weeks. Conner takes a sharp left as he almost misses the entrance to the apartment complex and Nate's hand comes up, putting it to my chest to prevent me from flying around the bed of the truck causing me to hiss from the pain of the small wound above my heart. If I was falling asleep I am awake now.

It's a rush to my head when I stand, stumbling to the end of the bed as we try to get Dom out and into the apartment as Luca opens the door panting. Carrying him inside his weight is starting to pull me down and Sophia rushes me, hugging me tightly as tears streak down her face. Luca has to lunge forward to catch the side I was carrying as they bring him in. She starts to look over my side and mumbles, rushing out words as she talks more to herself then to me. "No Sophia, I'm alright for now, your father needs help immediately," grabbing her face and trying to urge her with the gravity of the situation. She holds my wrists and tears well in her eyes as she holds mine, "I know baby, I know. Please he saved my life... He's your father. Please." I plead with her to do something and with a quick nod Sophia comes over to where they put him on Wayne's table and she starts to direct them on what to do. Conner mutters something about keeping watch before he makes a quick move to the door and none of us stop him. Wayne is off in another room as I hear his gags from in the bedroom. Spilling his guts at the choas around us all. Watching Sophia in this moment is like watching a medic with the cool steel that has settled in her bones. Quick orders are given to us and soon Sophia has some make shifted tools needed to try and save his life; made with towels, a kitchen knife and tongs, and a sewing kit with fishing line. Nate helps her and gives her slight instructions to help. She's had to slice off the decaying flesh and tendons before reaching in to sew something inside as he helps before sewing the outside. It'll be a harsh recover but his heart stays steady for now and Sophia comes over to sew me next. She says nothing as she works, making no move to be gentle when I hiss in pain. After she's done and she sets her tools aside her hands start to tremble as she looks over the blood on them and a sob slips out.

She's been through hell today.

Taking her to the kitchen sink I help her clean her hands as she sways slightly on her feet. "Where did you learn to do that? Working on Mountain Lions?" I ask her soft to try and stir something in her but she still looks at her hands before shaking her head slowly. "My uncle is one of those doomsday preppers. When I went to medical school he made me learn a few things he thought would be helpful. Derek's the one going in the Marines for medical but with him gone they needed someone to fill in if ever something was to happen. I only did it because he helped me get my house with a downpayment." She tells me before softly lifting her face to peer at mine. "Is this what its always like?"

"No," telling her gently, "fighting like this isn't normal for our pack" looking over at Dom and Nate, their pack is different, the whole structure of it. How many times have they been here. Last time we were into trouble was when Scott took Chey from her pack and brought her here before they approved for them to even be together. We have it easy compared to others. My thoughts start to churn as the worry sets in about what I may be doing to us by leaving this pack. Her hand squeezes mine as her eyes start to focus more and I see her wolf under there, pushing and nudging her, "this is why we train... Right?" She glances from her father up to me.

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