Chapter 33

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The week passes with Sophia spending most of her time close to the cabin, giving her attention to her dog and her brother when he comes to check in on her while I deal with my responsibilities. Scott has held two meetings for us leaders and higher-up wolves to attend, one before the funerals and one a few days later. We held a quick vigil for the few we had lost and helped prepare others for transportation back to their homes. Wolves have been uneasy, constantly on their toes and looking over their shoulders. For all our training we were ill-prepared; we have the training but less of the experience and knowledge. Several of us brought up these concerns to Scott but he and Barrett were quick to dismiss them, telling us this is an opportunity to help wolves settle back into their normal routines and lives.

Dominic agreed to stay for an extended period of time, sending word back home to his mate to send up more of their warriors. He tried to tell Sophia not to go outside without an escort, suggesting for Conner to accompany her when I was unavailable. My wolf was ready to come unglued, but she beat us to it as they fought and argued in the small space of the living room. I didn’t think the walls would hold up and withstand the raging hurricane she unleashed inside at his suggestion. Eventually, Nate was able to convince him space was the safest route.

The trackers have spent a few days in search of Rufus and Andre with no luck. They left little tracks to gain any leads from; seeming to have left without a trace.

Now Sam and I are having to help with decorating for the gathering in two days. As soon as they gave the orders to go forward Cheyenne leaped for joy at the chance to show off her skills and assets. A perfect planner. She threw together some new plans to accommodate the shift and change due to losing the allies we had here over a week ago. Putting tables strategically around to mix and mingle us while using soft, warmer tones and colours, stating it will help with the high anxiety. I stopped listening the more she rambled on, only offering to move things around and Sam was more than happy to oblige to help me. “This is a bad idea and move,” he mutters under his breath as he surveys the assembled seats and tables around our gathering hall. Nodding my head in agreement this doesn’t feel right. Scott is about to make us all lose for his stubbornness. Somewhere deep in my chest I can feel the snap of the wolf’s teeth, still unsettled and staying on alert.

“They want to keep everyone happy and relax down the pack's fur. Our members are having to share living space with wolves whose packs attacked us in our lands, they will need more than this to settle that ridge of fur down.” Telling him as I shake my head. I am at a loss of words, just as we take a step forward, we are dragged three steps back. “What about everyone’s safety! We have pups to think about!” he exclaims, and I must put my hand to his mouth as some of the other wolves in the room glance over at us. Giving him a stern look and pressing my hand to his shoulder I can feel the tension in them, “I will speak with Scott and try again but panicking isn’t doing anyone any good. Tell Justin, Hunter and Jasper to get their patrollers and warriors ready to be on alert and call. Nothing big or official.” Giving him another firm look his shoulders lower and he nods his head, starting to help me move things around again.

Heading home I hear the crunching of leaves as footsteps follow behind me before Luca steps up to my side and Conner walks a distance to the side. “Tell me, Cage,” he starts the conversation differently this time and I entertain him for the walk back home. “Tell you what, Luca?”

A smile starts to curl on his lip at the corner just like his sisters and my steps become a little quicker to get me home. “What’s it gonna take? Name your price,” he has his chest out slightly and his shoulders back in preparation for bargaining with me today, though he seems less formal than he has been the first few times he had come to me with my transfer papers, all signed and ready to be passed off for me to leave here and go with them south. The thoughts of weeks ago when I had made it my last-ditch effort after being pushed too far don’t seem like such a bad idea anymore. Looking at Luca, knowing his behaviour, I never pinned him to be a negotiating businessman. The offers he made were outrageously larger than I had ever been offered here and I laughed in his face knowing Dominic or him wouldn’t be able to pay me so much but when he showed me his paper roll, I stopped laughing.

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