Chapter 1

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Hopping out of the shower the hot vapours of steam are beginning to dissipate from the room. I had been in there longer than I thought, not wanting to leave my sanctuary.

Sighing before dragging my feet to the sink and gripping the sides of the porcelain I think it might break if I apply a bit more pressure. Wiping the condensation from the glass my reflection in the mirror isn't of happiness or excitement; its anger, frustration.

Wet hair is hanging in my eyes dripping small water droplets into the sink. "I don't want to go," telling my reflection what it already knows. It shows me my true feelings.

My chest rumbles loud with the wolf's approval. We should be out there looking not going to a meet and greet dinner.

Smoothing my hair back with my hand, no point in bothering to style it. I'm not looking to impress.

I'll have to request some time off from Scott to leave. I can't stay here idling while she has yet to be found. I'll go for a month across the water and search as much as I can there before returning to my duties. With Autumn around the corner, the holidays will come and go in the blink of an eye. I want to find her before then.

Sighing again before heading out the bathroom door and into the master bedroom. It's dark inside this empty space. The cool air has goosebumps forming on my arms and chest, the fire from the wood stove must be nothing but low burning embers by now.

Time to get dressed. Luna said to be there by five and it's already getting late. I'm sure my phone has been ringing this whole time for me to hurry. Scott is going to be pissed at me for making Chey upset. "Sorry, bro." Smirking while shrugging on my dull old clothes. It's clean at least.

It takes all my energy to drag myself out the front door and trudge down the trail from my cabin to theirs. The wolf tugs at my bones to go the opposite way making it a struggle to stay straight on the path forward. The blowing wind stirs the smells around the forest to come alive and I would rather be out there than making my way here.

I can already feel the chill in the air with Septembers fast approach. Winter will be long and cold this year.

There is a small white Malibu sitting in the driveway next to their Caravan. I glance at my watch to gauge my timing; fashionably late.

Looking at my attire and arrival time the Luna will not be happy with me. Already being warned I needed to take this seriously no fuck and chuck with this one. She is Cheyenne's best friend and I have to be respectful towards her.

'Give her a chance'.

I can't; I won't. I am not going to be this wolf's hope of a future with a mate when I have one out there waiting for me to find them. Her friend, Kirstin, found her mate young but lost him shortly after. She is looking for someone to fill the time until she enters the moon, maybe give her something she missed out on with him, but I am not the one to do that for her. No point in giving false intentions on what I want. I'll meet her if I must but I will not court this female.

Looking at the dark espresso door with a decorative wreath welcoming the coming fall on it only makes me want to leave. This is the shit I'd have to put up with if I took this female, I just know it. Urban living. Glancing at the 'welcome' mat under my feet that match the decorations I wipe off my muddy sneakers before pushing open the door.

Giggling and voices can be heard from the dining room and I saunter towards the sound. I'm not greeted with happy faces from the females. Scott, however, is grinning from ear to ear and I return the welcome with a lopsided smile."Look who finally graced us with his presence." He acknowledges me like the asshole I'm being.

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