Chapter 32

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Barrett sits at the table with his arms resting on top of it, hands clasping each other and fingers tapping against his skin aggressively while he eyes Dominic with disgust. Dominic, on the other hand, sits easy, leaning back in his chair scratching his neck under his chin through his beard before stretching with a long groan out. Charles shifts in his seat before rolling his shoulders and clenching his jaw. "Easy" Sam whispers to him as Charles rises, beginning to pace by the window, glancing out from time to time. "If we are going to do something we need to do it now," Charles says as he stops to stand in front of the dining room window leaning against its frame while gripping the wood hard enough to cause a crack.

Shifting my sight back to Barrett before resting it on Scott, I echo the thoughts with my own words of agreement, "we need to figure out where they went. We have taken care of their wolves for now but this won't end here," I tell him. He ponders on the thought for a moment while Barrett speaks up. "We have enough troubles to try and fix at the moment. We need to worry about doing damage control now." Dominic snorts a laugh as he holds his chin before crossing his arms while leaning the chair to its back two legs and it groans in protest at the strain. He opens his mouth to retort the thought but Scott beats him to it. "No. I agree with Cage, we need to go find them and nip this in the bud," he shakes his head sitting straighter, Barrett fists one hand turning to him placing the other on his thigh. "This isn't our issue, he caused this," his finger points in Dominic's direction, "let him deal with it," Barrett seethes while pointing at the alpha. Dominic taps his teeth against themselves before yawning to stop the tick. "I had every right, they threatened my family. Invaded my daughter's home. You may tolerate such nonsense in your family but I will not be bullied into submission," He shows his teeth wide and Barrett growls loudly.

"This is different," Barrett stares him down, "leave that in the past."

Dominic slams his fist on the table as he stands up and the chair clatters to the ground with a force that makes it crack at parts, "had this been dealt with then we wouldn't have this issue now." He sneers and Barrett stands up to his full height to meet the challenge. Face to face Barrett and Dominic look to be about the same height and build, I don't know who would win here but something tells me Dominic would walk out with a smile on his face. Watching them sneer and growl at one another as a tension settles thicker in this room, causing us all to sit up straighter in the presence of two alphas of power. My eyes dart to Barret with the words being thrown between them both as to the faults for this planned attack on our lands. Could this have to do with what Barrett told me a few weeks ago? My mind starts to wander deep into thought before Scott stands pressing his hands flat on the table with a pressure enough for it to shake slightly. "Enough," he shouts, "I'm the Alpha now it's my say." Standing to his height, he is taller than his father. An alpha coming into himself.

He looks over all of us before addressing each, "Charles, take some of the trackers and warriors you see fit and put together a search party. Start in the areas you know he frequents." Charles grunts a response going out the door before Scott can finish speaking, eager to leave everyone's company. "Sam, go do damage control. Get some of the guys and go check on the members, especially the ones at the facility today and those who lost someone. Also, oversee the disposal, I'll have Cheyenne and my mother get with you later on the numbers and needs for a vigil and passing ceremony."

He turns to Dominic next, "I don't know what's going on between you," he says pointing between the two older alphas, "and I don't think I want to know but I am not going to have fighting amongst us, we are either together or not," he says firmly before turning to his father to address him next. "I may not agree with his tactics but he isn't wrong. Sophia is a member of this pack whether she lives here or not, she should feel safe in her own home." He dismisses him as he grasps me by the shoulder, "come on, we have information to collect."

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