Chapter 19

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I can hear the water from the shower as it hits the glass and porcelain as the sounds stir my senses awake. How long was I asleep for?

Reaching over the bed is empty and cold, she has been up for a while. The water stops and I hear her step out with a soft hum. Sitting up I head for the bathroom door before stopping myself, she would freak out if I went in there, moving to the closet in search of clothing instead.

The door opens slow and quiet, Sophia thinks I'm still sleeping with the way she steps softly on the floor. Watching her is amusing as she looks down to see the floor under foot. "Morning" she jumps with a shriek when she hears my voice, covering her mouth before covering her heart with her hand. "Damn it Cage! You scared me." Her nose scrunches while she calms her breathing, I can hear her heart racing. "Not so funny when it happens to you, is it?" Teasing her for something she does to others often.

"I thought you would be sleeping." Rolling her eyes as she tucks a wet strand of hair behind her ear breathing deeply, I can see the heat creep over her cheeks. Looking her over she has one of my button up shirts on with a pair of my boxers. "I hope you don't mind my clothing was dirty so I washed them with your basket of clothing. They are in the dryer." The slight pink of her cheeks deepens to an almost crimson colour as her blush spreads and she looks away.

"Feel free, What's mine is yours. It looks better on you anyway." She giggles with me when I chuckle. Her smile stays as shyness settles over her when she looks away.

"Have you eaten yet?" I have to get out of this bedroom before we never make it out.

She shakes her head no. "I was waiting for you." She admits.

"Come then, I'll make you breakfast." Taking her hand and leading her out of the room and to the table, pulling a chair out for her to sit down. I put more wood on the fire although it doesn't need it. She must have put some on it herself. "Were you cold?" Asking her while closing the wood stoves door and glancing out the window before turning to her, it's already starting to get dark outside we slept all day.

"A little." She says before pointing out the window "kind of late for breakfast." She gives a cheeky grin.

"Yeah guess it is, what would you like instead?" Her eyes roam my exposed torso. They are dilated slightly when she focuses back on mine. The bond strums loud between us, pulling its cords in a rhythmic trance, engulfing us in its silent sound.

Mate. The wolf can hardly be contained down. Her neck looks delicate and tantalisingly delicious.

"B-breakfast is fine." Sophia stutters as she tries to regain her own control, she is overwhelmed. This is something she doesn't understand and it is playing against her. I need to tell her, we can't continue like this, we are both falling into the waves.

Going to the fridge the cool air feels good against my heated skin. I take a moment to let it help to settle me down. I already feel my canines digging into my bottom lip, licking them when a droplet of blood forms. Breathe.

Reaching for the eggs I decide on scrambled eggs and bacon. Quick and simple. "Would you like help with anything?" She leans in her chair to glance over while asking.

I'm glad the island is between us.

Grinning more to myself I shake my head. "Not now." Winking in her direction. She covers her mouth while snorting, "You are such a pervert HotShot." She laughs out and I laugh with her. I could spend the rest of my life just like this with her, laughing. I want our lives full of moments just like this one. I wish I could pull her into me right now, just holder, kiss her lips.

Please, Goddess.

Shaking my head of the thoughts I busy myself with cooking instead. Glancing over now and again she inhales deeply before turning her head when we catch each other's eyes. Making quick work of it placing the food on a plate and serving her before getting myself some. She thanks me taking a bit with a hum while I sit down in the chair at the head of the table next to her and we fall into a comfortable silence while we eat.

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