Chapter 23

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Waking it seems early as the darkness of night still clings in the morning sky. Looking to the alarm clock it is too early with the time it reads. Sophia still rests with her head laying on my chest arms wrapped around clinging to me. Running a finger along her spine she begins to stir awake with a hum. Rubbing her cheek across me before turning her face burying it in the crook of my neck. Every fibre of my being awakens with the touch of her nose along my skin. Digging fingers into her back pulling her closer.

Her breath fans along my neck causing goosebumps to rise. "Good morning," whispering in her ear. Her fingers skim over my ribs and I have to swallow down the sound my wolf is making for her to hear, I can feel her lips tug upward in a warm smile as her lips press against my throat. She lingers slightly before she places another one higher. Her tongue comes out for a taste when she leans in more, reaching farther.

"Sophia," it's meant as a warning but it comes out gruffer. She continues to kiss up to my jaw before reaching my lips, it's a soft simple kiss before she pulls away. Her finger runs the lines of my face and her eyes watch the slow movement, tracing the outline first, down over my nose before stopping on my lips. Nipping the tip of her finger her eyes move to mine. They hold before she looks down, "I'm fine, " she whispers.

Pulling her hand in mine, gripping her chin forcing her to look at me again. "No you aren't but we will figure this out, together." Pressing my cheek to hers. She presses back, whispering a thank you, kissing by my ear. Rubbing her back she starts to relax again, laying back down on my chest, closing her eyes breathing softly.

The sun beams in through the window waking me and I don't need the clock to know it has gotten late in the day. Fuck I was do back by now. Kissing Sophia's forehead she hums opening her eyes. "five more minutes" she whispers snuggling in closer. 

"I need to get back." Blowing out my breath she pouts before sitting up slightly. "I'm sorry, I want to stay. I can come back later but they are expecting me now." Moving my hand across her cheek.

She turns her head kissing the palm. "I want to come with you." She tells me as her eyes glance to mine.

"You don't have to sweetheart." Trying to tell her but she interrupts me, "I want to, " she starts. "I need to. I wanted to go and learn more about you, I ain't gonna let them ruin this," she states with conviction. Moving my hand to the back of her head pulling her lips to mine and she nips my bottom lip before pulling away. "Now get out of my bed, you're naked," her lopsided smile doesn't hide the slight blush to her cheeks.

"Didn't complain last night," teasing her back. She raises her hand to smack me, "that's domestic violence, you know." Putting my hands up in mock defence of her attack. Her small laugh is like music to my ears.

Nipping at her jaw I can't help the adoration I feel for her. Sophia is trying to be strong and I admire her for that. Giggling she tries to push off me to get away but my arms have her caged in and I never want to let go. Tickling her sides with my fingers she squirms against me as her giggles turn to fits of laughter. Rolling her under me she tells me to stop, looking at her laying there with her hair sprawled across the pillow and a smile on her face just for me, this is what I waited my whole life for.

Her eyes scan my face as her hand comes up to caress my cheek, "I love you," slips softly from her lips. The world stops on its axis. My breath is sharp, I can't seem to get air into my lungs. My vision is blurring and I try to blink the dark clouds away.

Did I hear her right?

She reaches her face up and captures my lips, everything else fades away. Pushing her back down to the bed to consume her I don't want to come up for air. Her hands tangle themselves in the hair on the back of my head and her legs spread wider as she pulls me impossibly closer to her.

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