FEB | Richelieurose

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The day I met my darling,
She fell from a penny farthing;
The look on her face,
Well, it was nothing like grace -
In truth, I could have died laughing

- Richelieurose

for "Love Limerick" contest


What are the three words that describe your writing?

Impulsive. Heartfelt. Unsure.

How would you describe poetry?

It's like melody, it rises and falls and warms the heart. It makes you feel things, like a good song but better, older. Poetry feels old and new at the same time, I'm constantly discovering and rediscovering it.

Tell us a little bit about your winning entry for the Love Limerick contest.

It's simple and short, like a good limerick. I went for comedy and yet a hint of romance. I wanted to rhyme with darling and out of nowhere penny-farthing popped into my head, so I ran with it.

What are some of your favourite poems?

Oh wow, this is hard.

My all-time favourite poem is Vincent Starrett's 221B.

My other favourites are The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Funeral Blues.

I'm also rather fond of epic poetry like the Iliad and the Odyssey.

What other genres do you like to write in?

I started out in fanfiction but at the moment I'm finding a lot of happiness writing mystery/detective novels and historical fantasy (which I haven't published yet).

What is a time period (with respect to writing) that you'd like to visit?

For me, it's got to be the Victorian Era. I grew up on Sherlock Holmes and Charles Dickens, and Tennyson, the Bronte sisters. The Victorian era is such a rich literary time, I couldn't think of any other I'd rather visit.


Thank you for chatting with us, Rose!

If you want to read Rose's works, visit them at Richelieurose.

Until next time!

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