Chapter 3: people.

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"Ah, hello Tommy!" Said Mrs. Holly. She putted on a smile that she always had when someone was hopefully going out of the orphanage.

Besides Mrs. Holly stood a male with beach blond hair. He also had a hat that was green and white stripped and a smile placed on his face.

Tommy doesn't like this guy at all. He seems manipulative. Or maybe he just wants to look presentable for the orphanage so they would let the him take whatever kid he wants.

The voice of Mrs. Holly got him zoned back in place again, "I'll leave you with the Phil to have a chat for a while. Tommy please behave."

'Ah, his name's Phil.' Tommy took notes of that as he forced out a response, "Yes, Mrs. Holly."

Mrs. Holly gave Tommy a reassuring smile as she walked out of the door shutting it softly. "So Tommy, Tell me a bit about yourself!" Said Phil. As he made eye contact with Tommy. An eye contact that Tommy quickly broke.

The two sat down at the table. both sitting on a brown chair.

"Uhm well, My names Tommy. I am 14, and uhhh.. i like video games." Was all Tommy manage out. What? That's all he wanted to tell, and it's not like his interests is gonna matter anyways.

"What types of games are you into?" Asked the man in the bucket hat again. 'jeez, what is this? A Q&A?' thought Tommy as he gave an answer, "I like Minecraft."

Tommy tried to answer polite, since he didn't want to piss of the man. But still short answers, cause talking to much will maybe also piss of the man.

But Phil still didn't give up on their conversation. "My other two sons likes Minecraft too."

No response.

"I have two sons, there twins," started Phil at he took out his phone to show Tommy what they look like. "The one with pink hair has the name Technoblade and the other one's Wilbur." Tommy nodded in response.

The one named Wilbur had chocolate curly hair on the side of his face, and the rest tucked in a red beanie. He also had a soft yellow sweater on that looked very comfortable if you asked Tommy.

The other guy with that weird name, something with Technology maybe? Had pink hair in a messy bun. He also had a white blouse with a red jacket on along with some golden glasses placed on his head. Both of the twins had a lot of jewelry.

'Rich family' thought Tommy.

As the 'interview' went on, Tommy tried to answer with short answers as much as he could since he wanted to avoid speaking with this weird rich man. But at the end he just answered like a normal person.

A knocking sound could be heard at the other side of the door, and not a minute later Sam came walking in. Tommy gave Sam a little wave while Sam just nodded back.

"Tommy," said Sam and Tommy just grabbed his backpack and went outside. Probably going to his room.
Tommy walked through the corridor that he has walked through so many times. The corridors was filled with people again.

It was comforting to not be alone but they where loud.
So he hurried his way up to his room as he grabbed the backpack a little tighter.

He letted out a sigh of relief when he let himself fall onto the bed. The bed wasn't as soft as he'd hoped it would be.
But it worked.
Around maybe 30 minutes later Sam came inside.

"Tommy, where going to Phil's tomorrow since he decided to foster you." Stated Sam as he scanned over the room for Tommy.

"Yeah, alright I'll be down in time, I get it you can go now." Mumbled Tommy out tiredly. To tired to understand what was happening. To tired to have a panic attack over it, and to tired to overthink.

Not even a second later was Tommy fully asleep.

What is he dreaming about? What do you think? Hopefully not a nightmare.

Alarmed the clock again. Like usually.

Tommy went up and got ready, he brushed his hair, teeth, took a shower, fixed his hair and everything else that needed to be done before he was ready for another day.

Tommy was about to get out when Sam barged in like a maniac. 'OH my god, have this man even learned about knocking?!' thought Tommy as he flinched at the sudden noise.

"Ah, sorry Tommy didn't mean to scare you there. But you're late, again" sighed Sam as he checked the watch.

"oh sorry Sam." Apologized Tommy while he took his backpack in his hand. 'This is gonna be hell off a day.' Whispered Tommy as he walked a little bit behind Sam.

When they got out of the orphanage they both went straight to the car. Tommy opened the car door and and hopped inside. "It's gonna be bit of a big ride there Tom, so you know." Informed Sam as he started to drive.

Tommy pushed himself towards the car door as much as he could and then rested his head on the window. The blond closed his eyes and begin to drift it to sleep.

But he didn't sleep. Of course. He started to think instead, about the new foster family.

The thought started with overthinking sentence, "I wonder what type of rules they will give me, i hope it's not one of those 'you're not allowed to eat' rules." "I wonder if they will be manipulative first or just straight up bad." "I wonder if the twins will be nice, I hope so at least." "I wonder if i will even survive, no don't think that." He scolded himself at the end before he decided to just look out of the window, since sleeping obviously wasn't going to help is now building anxiety.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨...
𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡. :𝐃
(first made: 30 april 2022 12:10PM
edited: 20 july 2022  8:02PM)

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