Chapter 4: Tunes of his life.

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"Tommy, where here!" Announced Sam as he stopped the car to get out.

Tommy shifted his attention the house as he got out of the car.
It was a nice house really. It was yellow on the outside with a black roof, around the roof was flowers and plants spread around. On the entrance it was a car outside a garage. The car looked new. It was polished and black. Around the house was spread with different types of trees and flowers and the garden looked well taken care of.

Tommy smiled a little bit at the sight. It looked homey, lived in. He liked that.

Tommy felt someone put a hand on his shoulder. It made him tense up and he got ready for the worse. He panicked, maybe he panicked because he knew he wasn't safe. Or maybe because he—
"Tommy let's go inside, we've got no time to lose." Stated Sam as he leaded Tommy to the front door.

The blond started to feel anxious, he doesn't know how to stop that feeling. He wanted to stop it. He started to scratch his palms in desperation to make it stop.

"Good luck Tommy, call me if anything bad happens. Alright?" Sam looked at Tommy while he said that. Putting his own hand between Tommy's two and waving it a bit to make the blond stop scratch his hand. Which succeeded.

Tommy nodded as an response and Sam went away to the car. The blond watched him as he opened the car door and left.

Tommy didn't knock on the hard door until Sam was already far away.

"Hm? Ah! Hello mate." Welcomed Phil with a smile placed on his lips. That smile, he had that smile before. It looks, friendly.

'Manipulation.' thought Tommy as he walked inside the house with Phil.

"Say Tommy, would you like to meet the twins? They've been quite excited to see you." Asked Phil with the bright smile.

"Yeah, yeah sure." Said Tommy quietly. He didn't want to raise his voice, Phil would be mad if he did.

"BOYS!" Shouted Phil as he looked at the stairs.

Tommy had to force himself not to flinch. He tensed at the sudden outburst of loud noises.

The so called 'boys' clearly took a good while on coming down, so Tommy decided to Look at his surroundings.

Right now, Tommy was still at the entrance with the black door right behind him. His jacket and shoes of and he looked forward to spot a dinning table. The dinning table was made out of wood and it had some comfortingly looking chairs standing at the sides. He looked to his left and spotted a kitchen. The kitchen had wooden theme and he could already tell it was all just cottage inspired.
Tommy didn't judge tho, he liked it. It felt freeing. And it's not like he would complain to his foster parents. Just the thought of more bruises made him tense even more.

He distracted himself by looking at the right instead. There was a beautiful tv room. Yes beautiful. The sofa looks so comfortable that Tommy would be able to sleep through his entire life in that sofa.

Suddenly a noise of loud footsteps entered his mind and he shifted his look to he left again. Watching the stairs carefully. Still being tense. Refusing to let his guard down.

Two boys came running down. Looking exactly like they did on the picture Phil had showed him before.

"HEY!" Huffed the brunette as he tried to watch his breath.

"Nice to meet you kid." Said Techno, his gave blank as he stretched out his hand for Tommy to shake.
Tommy lifted his and but the pink haired boy got thrown to the side by Wilbur who instead took Tommy's hand warmly. He also had one of those warmly smiles that Phil had.

"H-hello!" Stutters Tommy out. He mentally cursed himself. GOD was he acting like such an pussy right now.

Wilbur smiled at Tommy as Techno side-glared at Wilbur for pushing him. The pinky made his way over to Tommy again and pushed his brother away slightly harder then what Wilbur had done to him. Then he shook Tommy's hand.

Tommy was confused, why would they just fight over a hand? Their just one of those hand simps on tiktok or what? Tommy smiled a little bit in his head at that thought.

Techno and Wilbur shared a proud glance between them as they saw Tommy's little smirk. They, of course thought Tommy found them funny when they where fake fighting with each other.

So, Techno and Wilbur walked proudly up the stairs. Chatting about how much of a 'good' first impressing they made.

Phil took a deep breath as he looked at Tommy. Making the blond stop smiling instantly, tensing up all over again.

"Sorry about them. They have no social experience about how to act normal." Apologized Phil with a cheekily smile.

"HEY! We heard that!" Shouted Wilbur back at Phil who just gave a little chuckle as response.

Tommy was confused sure, but he understood. Techno and Wilbur are Phil's biological children. So parents and children having good bonding is fine. But who knows if he will be that nice back to Tommy.

He hoped Phil would. But according to Tommy's thought of 'what is most logical' it doesn't make sense that Phil would actually be nice.

Phil lead him up the stairs. It was a small little room with instruments in the middle and then two doors at the left and two doors at the right. The bathroom next to the stairs. And next to the bathroom a laundry room. the two doors on the right is Techno's and Phil's. The other two is Wilbur's and Tommy's.

Phil lead Tommy to his room's door and started to speak.
"We don't have any particular or weird rules. Just normal house rules. And you are free to come to my room whenever you'd like just make sure to knock first."

"Alright." Responded Tommy, the same volume on his voice as he had before.

Phil gave a reassuring smile before he walked downstairs. Probably to watching tv.

Tommy opened his door and he was both confused and shocked about what he saw.
His room is absolutely fabulous! It's was just— so pretty.

Why would Phil give him such a good room?

It has red colored walls with a closet on the right along with a mirror. It was also a big board as a desk and a chair in front. Two windows placed on each side of the table. On the left side was a Queen sized bed with white fluffy blankets and pillows on it. Fake leaves and butterflies hanging over the bed.

He also had a piano.
Phil knew he liked piano.
Tommy said that to Phil himself on the interview.

He couldn't help but smile at that.

Maybe some tunes will calm him down?
Tunes of his life.

𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝: ).
(first made: 30 april 2022 12:10PM
edited: 22 july 2022 12:39PM)

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