Love is for the Foolish

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My day with Caelestis did not end there. In fact, after I had finished eating he invited me to spend time with the rest of the vampires. Of course, I accepted but I was nervous. There was a particular part of the school grounds where they would congregate. Now the school had large walls of stone and surrounding it was the forest but within those walls there was a kind of continuation of that forest, there was even a small creek. It was quite beautiful, and it went mostly unused by most classes. Students during their breaks would spend time within it, as mythical beings a connection to nature is very important.

The Amanes and I would leave the building, but we wouldn't usually go far into the forest, we mostly hung around the courtyards. The vampires, however, had a little clearing in the forest. It wasn't too far in. Just enough so that they would have privacy. Iron chairs and tables that were completely overgrown with moss made this clearing comfortable, as well as fallen trees that had been carved into comfortable shapes. I noticed right away, Kayin sitting very close to Lizette. Lizette didn't look like your typical vampire nor elf. She had brown hair that curled at the ends of it and elf ears that poked out from under it. Her makeup was probably the most striking thing about her, very elaborate and graphic. However, sitting with the vampires, Lizette looked a little uncomfortable, her eyes planted on the ground.

I whispered to Caelestis, "That's her right?"

"Yep," he sighed.

"Gold digger," I muttered under my breath, Caelestis nodded, "I feel sorry for your brother."

"I always feel sorry for Kayin."

All the other vampires' eyes were on me, I was the intruder. At least Lizette was half vampire. I just straight up didn't belong here.

"Are you sure they don't mind me being here?"

Caelestis looked down at me, "They'll be fine with anything I approve of."

I met his gaze craning my neck, "Even a wolf girl?"

"I'll defend you. Bitch."

"Shut up," I knew he was being playful but I looked away as I felt warmth in my cheeks.

Caelestis started to talk to his brother. I looked over at the vampire girls. One of them was completely ignoring me, but the other was staring directly at me.

"Do they know me at all?" I whispered to Caelestis.

"We know you," said one of the vampire girls quietly.

This one I didn't know so well. She was shorter with long white hair, a look more frail than the other vampires.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked, walking over.

"We've just seen you at parties," She looked up at me, "We've never spoken." She offered a hand and I shook it.

"I see. Well I'm Varinia Elch, a member of the Blue Star pack."

"You can call me Snow."

"Pretty," I smiled and she smiled back, behind me one of the other vampire girls rolled her eyes.

I was able to chat a little bit with Snow before the bell rang and we returned to classes. She seemed like the nicest of the vampires. I knew from personal experience they could be a little uptight. She just seemed generally sweet though.

Ephvangeline was waiting outside our religion classroom alone, the vampires and I joined her but took no notice of her. As Lucius arrived he however very much did. He put his arm on Ephvangeline's shoulder and spoke way too loudly directly into her ear, "Hello big tits!"

Ephvangeline was disgusted, she shoved him off herself so hard, he slammed into the wall, "Don't ever touch me."

"Good one dude," I looked at Lucius' body, winded against the wall.

She Wolf will not find her mate. I won't fall in love!Where stories live. Discover now