Chapter 26 - MMA-Ballet

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"Hey," Asher pops his head around the study door and Jake and I turn to look at him. "Pay says she's done practising, but Carter's being an ass again. We're going to go pick her up, wanna come?"

Glancing at the window, I'm surprised to see that the sun has dropped quite a bit since I entered the study. With Jake's help, I've made a huge dent in my science and maths catch-up work and am already way ahead of the schedule.

I'm not really worried about the other subjects as they are mainly just a lot of reading work. I also have to submit a couple of designs for my design and craft class, but that's not such a big problem either.

"Enough for today?" Jake asks and I nod my head.

"Thank you, so much, Jake, that was truly awesome."

"You're welcome anytime. Let's go get Paise," he says, and standing up, he waits for me to rise as well.

"Me?" I did not know that Asher's invitation included me.

"Yes, you. Don't you wanna come?"


Frankie is boisterously happy to be going on an adventure with all of us. Asher and I have our work cut out to get the little imp and his reserve baby seat strapped onto one of the seats in the van.

We all quickly reach a consensus that Willow has to ride shotgun. She seems to be a bit confused by this, but she doesn't protest when Asher helps her up and into the front passenger seat.

Having her in the front next to Jake is better than having her in the back with me. We might've even ended up on the same seat and that would just be awkward. What if she accidentally touched me and I jumped out the window? Or even worse, grabbed her and kissed her again.

Wouldn't that be a conversation starter?

Still, I don't much enjoy sitting in the back, watching her have a comfortable conversation with Jake. Maybe I should tell her what he said about messing her up a little. I know he didn't really mean anything bad by it, but she won't know that. Yes, that would definitely stop her from smiling at him so warmly and giggling at whatever witty stuff he's saying to her.

Oh, crap, I've lost my mind! Maybe I should've just stayed home.


The community hall we enter is virtually deserted, most of the dancers have gone home already and the few who remain are in the process of leaving.

It's a simple rectangular chamber resembling an average school assembly hall. There are folding chairs stacked along the walls, under high windows with thick curtains. Many doors are set at intervals and a stage framed by more thick curtains forms the focal point.

Jake said that this hall is used for various functions and town meetings. The ballet company's formal performances take place in the small theatre between Briar Cove and Blue Bay.

I have no idea where that is.

There are four people on the well-lit stage. Three young men and Paisley.

Spellbound, I'm staring at everything as I follow the boys to the stage. I've always had a profound love for the theatre. I love all of it, the costumes, the make-up, the décor, and the choreography.

I have no desire to be on stage myself, but I love helping to create the beautiful illusions on it. Ballet has always been one of my favourites. There isn't much to look at today, but just being here is making my heart beat faster. I'd love to see the small theatre Jake spoke about.

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