Chapter 76 - Friday Night Loading

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I rap on the van's driver-side window when I hear Jake start the engine. "Hey, you're leaving Paisley behind?" I ask when he opens the window.

Tanner had already left for the restaurant and Asher for the gym. I thought it a little weird when Jake said goodbye and got into the van instead of hanging out with me, chatting while we waited for the girls. The way we usually do.

"Didn't you get the memo?" he asks, smirking. "She's going to your place to see Willow."

No, I didn't get the memo. It's a good thing I'm waiting for Ronja, or Paisley would've been abandoned and had to take the bus. She would never let us hear the end of that.

"Why don't you take Ronja home, and I'll take Paise?" I suggest seeing the two girls leaving the cluster of buildings and making their way to the car park.

"How does that make sense?"

Seriously, for a genius, Jake can be extremely thick sometimes.

"That way, the two of you can bond a little. Talk science and stuff like that." It is such a great plan; do I really need to spell it out for him?

"Why would I want to do that?"

"What?" I snort. "Why wouldn't you? She's a girl, she's nice, she's interested in science, and you still need a date for the big dance, don't you?"

I know he does because he's been whining about it since Monday. Apparently, none of the girls we've been mentioning as possibilities meet his approval. Seriously, the guy can be such an ass. It won't surprise me if he's working on building an android to go with him. 

A few minutes ago, just before everybody started heading in their own directions, Jake mentioned possibly asking Molly to the dance, and Tan shoved an entire mini Milo chocolate bar into the dude's mouth. The whole thing, wrapping paper and all. It was a huge sacrifice for Tan; the guy loves those bars.

I think Jake got the message, but he might still ask Molly if Tan doesn't get his butt in gear and ask her soon. It is also possible that he threatened to ask her just to test Tanner and put the idea into his head. When it comes to asking a decent girl out, Tan might need cue cards and breadcrumbs, and a cracker up his butt to get him going.

Actually, I think Jake is disappointed that he cannot ask Willow anymore. I'm feeling a bit guilty about that, but not enough to ask her if she'd mind going with him instead. I probably should... but I really don't want to. What does it matter anyway? We'll all be hanging out as a group in any case.

I know I'm starting something with her that I have no business starting. The problem is, I'm not even trying. My brain keeps telling me not to get too involved, but the rest of me is not listening. I constantly think that I'll stop, control myself, and create some distance, but all it takes is a glimpse of her, and I forget. I'm drawn to her as if she's a magnet and I'm a piece of metal.

I don't get it. I barely even know the girl. How can she have such a huge effect on me?

"Does it have to be her?" Jake asks, looking like I've just offered him the incredible opportunity to smell my armpits. For a second, I thought he meant Willow for me and felt a disturbing 'yes' bubbling up inside me. Fortunately, I saw his face and realised he was talking about Ronja and the dance.

"No, but why can't it be her?"

"She's... scary."

I laugh; I cannot help it. Girls usually find Jake a little scary... well, most people do...

"Dude, if I thought you dreamed about being a bachelor with a robotic dog, I would just shrug and say whatever, but I don't think that's what you want. You're always talking about your wife and kids. If you run away every time you meet a girl you're kinda interested in, that dream is going to die. You need to go out there, seize the day and find that wife."

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