Chapter 36 - Real Friends

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What an exhausting day. I feel as if I need a weekend to get over this weekend. Today, I've gone through the entire spectrum of emotions available to mankind. More than once. My head is reeling, my heart is in turmoil. I aimlessly gaze inside my closet; I've long ago forgotten why I'd opened it in the first place.

"Knock, knock."

"Come on in, Mummy," I smile.

"Phew, what a day, huh?" apparently my mother is sharing my opinion. I wonder what her reasons might be. She crosses the floor to sit on the edge of my bed, her eyes drifting to the mural. She really enjoys looking at it each time she comes into my room.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I say and giggle. I swear I heard Paisley speaking with my mouth just now. "I want to show you something amazing."

I close my closet door and dart over to the light switch. "Keep your eyes on the mural, Mummy." She frowns, not understanding what I'm doing, but she obediently centres the mural in her vision. I flip the switch and a few seconds later the room is bathed in moonlight and butterflies. My mother catches her breath in wonder.

"Hunter did that yesterday," I inform her and technically that is the truth.

"My goodness, there's no end to that boy's talents!" she gasps.

I remember the feel of his lips against mine, of his hands on my hips when we were dancing earlier and my heart starts racing again. No... no end at all.

I turn on the bedside lamp when, after admiring the beautiful scene for a while, my mother turns to face me again.

"Everything is alright, isn't it, Sweet Pea?"

"Of course..."

"Please tell me if something is bothering you. I saw you run out of the house earlier today."

I lower my eyes, feeling uncomfortable. I don't want to lie to my mother, but I also don't think it is the right time to tell her what that was all about. I'm not ready yet. Do I have to tell her? 

"They were being a bit... Well... They can say things that are..." I have no idea what to say. "I was a little embarrassed. I just needed to get over it." 

I laugh nervously and then I sigh. "There's really nothing to be worried about, Mummy, I promise. We're getting to know each other. They are a little quirky and eccentric in some of their ways and I don't always know how to react to them. I became flustered and needed a time-out. It's all good. Really."

I do mean that and I can see my mother visibly relaxing in light of my honesty.

"They do seem to be rather nice."

"They really are."

"And you and Hunter? Did something happen between you?"

"Like what?" I squeak. My mother's expression is turning more anxious rather than less so now. Me and my stupid reactions. Have I forgotten everything about self-control I've learned living with my grandmother? There really is no difference between Piddles and me. We are both breaking out of all the rules and training that had been instilled in us. I smile as brightly as I can. "I'm not sure why you'd ask that, Mummy."

She shrugs, suddenly uncomfortable. "You just seem... wary of each other or maybe..."

"Oh, no, not at all. We had a misunderstanding, but we've sorted it out now. Everything will be back to normal soon. Whatever normal is now... We've had a few of those this week. All of this is a lot to get used to, you know, but I'm getting there. Hunter is a really good guy, Mummy," I say earnestly. "I like him a lot."

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