Chapter 66 - Taking the Molly for a Walk

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Running is not an activity meant for human beings. I know that now.

I am dying. My lungs are burning and have completely closed up. Two big sumo wrestlers are having a tussle on my chest... or it might just be my boobs trying to escape from my body. I ungracefully plop down on the side of the paved path and stick my head between my knees.

Yes, this is humiliating, but I don't care; I have no dignity left at all.

"Are ye alright, Molly?"

Oh, yes! Of course, the death of my self-esteem has to be compounded by having my biggest crush witness it. I raise my head to peek up at Dex, bowing over me, blocking the sun so I can have a clear view of his kind eyes and warm smile. I mean, I have to see the look of pity he is giving me as clearly as possible, don't I? 

I'm touched to realise that he is genuinely concerned about me. That's nice. And, joy of joys! He is not alone! His mirror image is standing next to him, frowning down at me and who else? Of course, Tanner friggin' Trent, the god of sensuality himself, who has been tying my hormones in knots all week.

"Hey!" I gasp. I was going for casual and nonchalant, like I'm sitting here on the way-too-busy footpath every day, gasping for air as if I've not discovered oxygen yet, but one apparently needs breath to pull that off.

"Try breathing out a few times before ye try to breathe in again," Galen offers his sage advice, and it might be good advice - I certainly try it, and it seems to work a little bit - but I really just want them to go away and let me die in peace. No, no dying in peace for me; Dex is crouching down, alternately patting my back and rubbing it in large circles. I would've been in heaven right now if I wasn't huffing and puffing like a derailed freight train. Why can't he pat and stroke me under pleasant circumstances up in my apartment in the comfort of...?

What the hell am I thinking? Oxygen deprivation is setting in.

"Want us to help ye get home, or do ye need to go to the clinic?" Did he read my mind? Does he want to go live out my fantasy with me? Wait, what? Clinic? Do I look that bad? A clinic is not part of my vision.

"I'm... gasp... gasp... fine... just... gasp... gasp... catch... breath..." Very seductive!

They're being kind, but I really wish they would just go. I'm sure having them here is attracting too much attention. The twins share a look with Tanner. What on Earth is that about?

"Okay," Dex says in answer to a question I sure as heck didn't hear. Do they communicate by radar, like bats? "Catch ye later then, Tan. Take it easy, Molly." He gives my back a final rub and a pat and stands up. Galen and Tan share a weird handshake hug only they could possibly understand, and off goes the twins. Tanner's sneakers are still in my line of sight when I drop my head again. Why isn't he jogging down the footpath with the brothers?

I'm still looking at his well-worn shoes when he pops his water bottle into my restricted view. I tilt my head back to glare up at his face, but my hair is a mess, covering most of my face, and long strands have escaped from the elastic band I used to tie it back.

"What?" he says and rolls his eyes, pulling his sweater sleeve over his hand, about to wipe the bottle's spout. He chuckles in surprise when I snatch it out of his hand before he can do that. I take a couple of deep, thirsty sips from the bottle and hold it out to him again.


Tanner puts his hand around the bottle, but instead of taking it, he gives it a hard squeeze, causing the bottle to spit a spray of water into my hot face.

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