Chapter 97 - Boy Appetisers

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Every basket always has to have at least one rotten apple in it, and unfortunately, Briar High's basket has several.

The Spirit Girls were peddling their wares again, but most students know by now that eating their baked goods is not worth the potential price you'll pay. Still, there are a few who took biscuits, but they have the sense to keep them for after the school-sponsored event is over.

Me brother took off with some girls and a couple of his ice hockey friends before the party even started to heat up, and a few minutes ago, I saw Tanner go into the forest with Lola. I thought he was mostly done with that kind of thing; he was even weaning Gan off it. It was apparently just an illusion because he'd been dealing so well with all the bad things happening to him until today. 

Something in him has snapped again, disconnecting him. Not even Gan is reaching him properly right now; that is why me brother took off. He is not handling what happened to Tanner very well, which is part of the reason he is not with him right now. He doesn't want Tan to see how badly it is getting to him and potentially make the lad feel even worse. He is giving his mate some space to sort through his own thoughts, and I just hope the spanner doesn't get up to things that will hurt him while he's giving Tan that space.

I was hoping Tan would meet up with Molly tonight. She seemed to have a really good effect on him this week. I noticed the way he'd been treating her, responding to her, looking at her, and it was really grand to see. I think that his budding friendship with Willow somehow made him open up to the idea of letting a sweet girl like Molly in for a change, but for some reason, he is avoiding her now. The lad and me brother are always going about things arseways.

He told us this morning that he was attacked, and I think that might be part of the reason why he is not reaching out to her, but I'm not entirely sure. He is not telling us much. Just that he fell with the bike and got jumped but managed to fight them off, and his attackers were arrested... and one died. End of story. Right?


Hunter and I kicked Ray and Paul out of the bonfire gathering and poured out their spiked water. So far, we haven't had any reports of anybody drinking their water. We found out about it and stopped it in time. By rights, we should report them to Ms Watson, but we don't want to get tonight's bonfire, and all future ones cancelled just because two sleevens don't know what is decent and what is not. Why should all the students suffer because of them?

The ingredients Hunter threatened out of them shouldn't have much of an effect anyway, except in really large doses. It's mostly just herbs like Ginseng, but still, it's the principal of the matter. Ye cannot go around spiking things like water and having innocents drink it. That is right evil. We've kicked them home and spoiled their fun, but they will try this again, maybe with something worse, unless we deal with them a wee bit more harshly. I'll discuss it with the student council members on Monday and hear their views and what we can come up with.

I have told the yokes that I'll be in touch soon and that this is not the end, and that did seem to scare them a little, but it was possibly also just Hunter's scowling and glaring that did it. They're wise to be cautious; if someone had drunk it and something bad happened, he would've eaten those two for dinner, and I don't know if anybody would be able to stop him.

Now that they're dealt with, I can go look for Tanner. There's no way that he'll make it up the hill very far. He is probably just hanging out nearby, getting hammered or something. He needs someone to save him from himself. I really wish Galen didn't run off, but I don't think there's much he or anybody can do for Tan if he starts shutting us out. Then again, Gan is not in the best frame of mind himself, especially since Tan is shutting him out too.

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