Chapter 112 - Ferris Fun

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"Your mother told me you used to love coming here. Do you remember it at all?" Hunter asks, drawing my attention away from the swirling mass of colour, fragrance, movement and sound surrounding us.

I agreed to join them in this spur-of-the-moment adventure, thinking that it would be a chance for me to get over my discomfort and once again find the steady rhythm of friendship I'd been developing with all of them before I became a junkie and a succubus.

I started to regret my decision to come here the moment we entered Funland, and I got caught up in the vibrant flood of life that came rushing at me. I'm still rather tired after the night I had, and at the moment, I'm feeling overwhelmed rather than nostalgic or excited, but underneath my building anxiety, there are some memories beginning to stir. Pleasant memories, keeping the panic at bay.

"I loved riding the Ferris Wheel with my dad," I tell Hunter, gazing up at the monstrosity slowly turning on its axis not far from where we're wandering around. A strong, heart-warming memory got triggered without warning when the wheel came into sight, and I am unconsciously drawn towards it, the others leisurely following along. It is quite pretty, as Ferris Wheels go with its artfully designed fake-wicker baskets, decorated with cast iron ivy covered in flowers, sprinkled with colourful fairy lights.

We all piled into Jake's van for this outing (except for Dex, who needed to have his bike here to go home afterwards), making various stops along the way to pick up Joe, Kyle, Molly and Ronan. I nearly died of mortification when Paisley informed everybody that my boy-tasting project will never be complete if I don't have a bite of all the boys in the clan. She was adamant that Kyle, Joe and Ronan should line up and pucker up. She only stopped tormenting me, laughing triumphantly when Hunter growled at her, threatening to throw her out the window while he tried to muzzle her using his sweater.

I spent the rest of the ride dodging the puzzled boys' looks and questions. Ronan has an idea what it's all about since he witnessed at least part of my performance last night, but he is not sharing any information around; he is just grinning in the happy-boy way he always does, but Joe and Kyle are completely baffled... and more than a little curious.

Asher and Tanner haven't returned from the restaurant, and Paisley is torturing all the other boys to make up for the lack of her boyfriend. Earlier, when the van stopped at Swift Convenience to collect Ronan and Molly, there was a collective sigh of relief that his girlfriend wasn't joining us. Last night was the first time I met her, and I wasn't sober enough to truly appreciate the moment.

Clearly, she is not well-loved by Ronan's friends. It makes me sad that a friendly boy like him apparently has a rather nasty girlfriend. It makes no sense to me.

Drawing close to the Ferris Wheel, running my eyes over the colourful display, I allow my mind to wander, calling forth long-buried memories of my father laughing, pointing out places, and holding onto me while I hung over the edge of the basket to look at the people milling like ants below. I used to love this ride. 

I used to love my father.

My heart convulses in sudden longing, and I involuntarily lean into Hunter, seeking comfort in his strength, and I'm relieved when he puts an arm around my shoulders. He has been very kind and protective towards me since we embarked on this outing. He is probably afraid that I'll get into trouble again if he doesn't stick close to me. He has either forgotten that I told him I liked him, or he is choosing to ignore it.

He thankfully also hasn't mentioned my ambitious breeding program again.

Whatever his reason might be, I'm glad he is not avoiding me or feeling awkward around me anymore. I'm enjoying the loving way in which he is treating me tonight. I know I shouldn't read too much into it, but I cannot help myself. I'm crazy about this boy.

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