Chapter 80: Bee Stings and Other Discomforts

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There's a bit of a bite in the air this evening, and the sun is starting to set fast now. I'm about to pull off me sweats and do some stretches before diving into the pool when Willow leaves the house via the glass sliding door from the living area and enters the pool area, closing the small gate behind her.

She looks cuddly in a fluffy pink tracksuit; her feet snug inside the bodies of two bunnies. She is ridiculously cute. Her alarm clock was following at her heels and is now jumping around me feet. Apparently, he is happy to see me.

I scoop up the dog and rub its fat tummy, smiling at Willow when she reaches me, greeting me in that formal way she has.

"Howya, Willow! Glad to see ye up and about, Love. Feeling better?" I reach out with me free arm and pull her closer for a hug, and am surprised at how easily she accepts me hug now. She even puts her arms around me, hugging me back for a couple of seconds. I've been doing it virtually every time I saw her this week and have felt her gradually relax into it. I think that Willow and I are well on our way to becoming real friends, and I like that.

The more I get to know her through me own interactions with her and through the eyes of others, the more I like her and realise that she is just what Hunter needs. I'll do anything I can to encourage the fondness I know she has for me mate.

"Yes, much better, thank you, Dex. How are you doing?"

"Not too bad," I smile, setting the wee dog on the ground. We spend a few minutes chatting about school and the upcoming exams, and she tells me that her mother has gone to see her father and that it seems to be going well, which is great news. I know Willow'd been worried about that. I tell her about Emmy's excitement over the sleepover she's having tonight with a new school friend.

"That's why I came so late today. I dropped her off and spent some time getting to know her friend's family. Seemed like really nice people, and they're virtually around the corner from us."

"You should bring her with you one day; I'd really love to meet Emmy."

"Aye, she is right curious about meeting ye too, Lass; I'll bring her round soon as I can."

Willow's smile is radiant, and I'll admit, I envy Hunter his good fortune to have this fine girl fall smack dab in the middle of his lap like this. And they say the Irish are lucky.

"Isn't it too cold for a swim now?" she asks me, giving the pool a sceptical look. "The wind has a bit of a bite to it today."

"Aye, it does, but it's never too cold for a swim," I grin.

"Dex will crack the layer of ice on a dog's water bowl and dive in if that's the only way he can get a swim," Hunter says, following the same route Willow did a few minutes ago. I am surprised to see him dressed in his school speedo, carrying a couple of towels.

What activities did he get up to that he feels the need to cool down? Hunter is not a fan of swimming in cold water. He stops when he reaches us and drops the towels at our feet.

"So, ye're joining me today, are ye?" I grin, watching him do a couple of squat jumps, running in place and various stretches to get ready. Willow is watching him too, and she is no longer as pale as she was when she just arrived.

Is she blushing?

I take off me sweater and pants, drop them on me towels and join in Hunter's warm-up routine.

"Are ye sure about this, Lad? I checked the water, and it's pretty cold today."

"No, I'm not sure about this at all, but I'm gonna do it anyway," Hunter says and rising to his full height, he turns to the pool and takes a run at it. Willow moves several steps away from the water when he pulls up his legs, jumping into the pool with a massive splash. That is not the best way to enter cold water because you get too close to the bottom, where the water is at its coldest.

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