Chapter 41 - Banjaxed

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So, this week started off on a rather odd note with Paisley acting incredibly weird and Ronja being very quiet in class, even more so than usual. 

She gave me back my English book, but she looked rather upset about doing so. She thanked me nearly a hundred times and I told her she could have it again any time she needs it. I gave her back her book as well and I felt more or less the same way about parting with it. I want to talk to her about the possibility of us studying together for some subjects.

I didn't get much chance to speak to her today, because all our teachers are in hysteria about the exams starting next week. To be honest, I am losing my mind. I still have so much work to catch up on, I don't know if I'll be ready for it. At least my first paper is going to be English composition. 

We're currently being given time for revision in all our classes and from next week, Wednesday, when the exams begin, the students only have to come to school on the days they write or if they need help from the teachers. Most students will be studying from home. I rather like this arrangement because it gives me extra time to prepare for each exam paper.

I sent Paisley a text message after lunch, asking her if she is alright and all I got in reply was: "😭😱😵‍💫💪🤯🤪🥺." I interpret the meaning of her hieroglyphics as: "I'm crying and shocked because I have spirals for eyes. Please punch me so my brain can explode and I can be ditzy instead of depressed."

Honestly, a yes or a no would've sufficed. Though I would've preferred something that made a bit more sense so that I can help where I can. I keep on reminding myself that this is Paisley and her quirkiness is one of the reasons why I like her so much. 

I simply replied to her nonsensical message with: "🧸👻." Looking at it after I'd already sent the message, I realised that it might be a bit confusing too. It was meant to be a bear hug that will lift her spirit. She might think that I was trying to say that I'm hoping she gets mauled by a bear and dies. I don't hope that at all.

The Design class filled my last two periods of the day. Molly and I pulled our drawing tables next to each other near the windows with the best light. We had a nice chat and I was surprised to find out that she's never really had many dealings with Paisley before today. I find it strange because they've been in the same schools since first grade. 

Apparently, Molly used to be friends with a group of girls at least half of which fiercely disklike Paisley. Not that Paisley can stand them either. Molly believes that they are jealous of her easy relationship with boys like Dex and Hunter. Tanner is apparently also part of the problem because, in spite of his lack of moral standards, he's never given them the time of day. They've been trying to grab his attention for years and would be more than willing to be his love slaves.

I'm a bit annoyed, hearing that people talk about Tanner as if he were a lush or a piece of meat that should give pieces of himself away on demand. Well, I guess I also find him lacking when it comes to morals since Paisley and Hunter have said some things that make me feel rather confused, but I don't like it when other people think or say it. It makes me surprisingly angry. And he's also not just a "hot" piece of meat.

After chatting, or more accurately, gossiping with Molly, I now know that Briar Cove has a group of about 12 girls that actively go around trying to destroy the reputation of people they don't like or are jealous of. This group has absorbed Molly's three ex-best friends.

At the beginning of this year, they posted rather vulgar pictures of her and a few other students, on the school's unofficial chat site. Molly was devastated to see herself paraded in her underwear on social media for the whole school to see.

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