Chapter 94 - Getting Ready

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Miss Amy looks perfect sitting on top of my tall boy. Paisley teased me a lot, but I could tell that she actually understood how much finding the doll meant to me.

I've always had this fantasy of finding her and reuniting her with her sister, Miss Molly. Silly, I know, but it probably has to do with the whole broken family thing I was going through at the time. I missed my father, Aunt Beth and my grandparents. Through the years, I tried to forget them and almost succeeded, but these last two weeks, I've been bombarded with memories I thought I'd lost.

Pulling open the drawer containing all my sentimental and important items, I retrieve the bundle wrapped in a scarf I stashed in there when I unpacked my possessions last week Monday. I almost threw her away so many times, thinking I'd just keep the dress, but I simply couldn't do it.

Unwrapping the scarf, I gaze at the broken doll face and the smashed hands. After my uncle broke her, I picked up all the pieces I could get my hands on, but she was simply too mangled to put back together. The sadness I always experience looking at Miss Molly's remains is now mingled with hope and a little excitement.

"I'll soon have the two of you sitting up there safe and sound," I promise the dolls.

Little-Piddle's sharp bark startles me out of my fantasies, and looking down at his eagerly wagging tail and lolling tongue, I realise that when I start talking to my dolls, it's probably time for some fresh air.

Rewrapping Miss Molly (I'll take her to Miss Phoebe's as soon as I can), I replace her in the drawer and, frowning, I pull a folded piece of paper free from where it got mixed in with my other dolls. Unfolding it, I giggle when I realise what it is.

Yesterday, when I got bored with lying around, all achy and miserable, I decided to take my mission of making Hunter fall in love with me and staying in Briar Cove a little more seriously. I searched the internet for advice on how to make the man of your dreams love you back and came across a very interesting recipe, which I immediately printed (my laptop is wirelessly connected to the printer in the study) for definite future use.

I read the recipe again now, shaking my head and laughing. Well, I was under the influence of strong painkillers at the time, but still, I do find the world of Harry Potter to be filled with good advice.

Amortentia Potion


- Twelve (12) Dried Rose Petals

- Lionfish Spine

- Two (2) grams of powdered Nettle.

- Three (3) cups of Lethe River Water

- One (1) Fairy Wing

- Four (4) Rose Thorns

- Seven (7) grams of powdered Moonstone


Combine Lethe River water and Lionfish spine and bring to a boil, stirring clockwise, until the spine has completely dissolved; the water should be pale pink.

Once the Lionfish spine has completely dissolved add six (6) of the twelve (12) dried rose petals, stir counterclockwise five times, then allow to simmer for five (5) minutes.

The potion should turn a light violet at this point, then add the two (2) grams of powdered nettle and stir clockwise for four (4) minutes, adding one (1) rose thorn each minute.

After you have stirred for four (4) minutes, add the fairy wing and decrease the heat until it is hardly simmering. Allow it to sit for five (5) minutes.

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