Chapter 32 - Goldy Locks and the Three Little Pigs

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I feel better now that Dex is around. He always makes me feel saner and more grounded somehow. Perhaps because he has this uncomplicated way of just putting things into perspective. He is the calmest person I know. 

Or maybe it's because I often have no friggin' idea what he's on about and that snaps me out of my messed-up mental state right into confusion, which is much easier to deal with. He often says the strangest, most incomprehensible things, taking my attention away from whatever's bothering me. He never fails to make me laugh... even when he doesn't mean to. 

Willow is not sitting on the edge of her seat anymore either. She clearly did not like it, though, when Dex insisted that she rides shotgun and he folded himself into the back. Ma should really get a bigger car.

If Dex were a woman, I would totally marry the bastard, even though he'd be a rough-looking wife. Some things that are great for enhancing a man's looks just would not quite do the same for a girl.

Dex's nose had been broken a couple of years ago - compliments of bloody Galen - and didn't set quite right. It is a bit bumpy now. Actually, I'm also to blame for that one... at least partially. I cannot look at that nose without feeling like shit. Sometimes I think Dex had his nose set a little crooked on purpose to keep me and Galen in line. 

Neither of us is proud of what we've caused.

There's a tiny scar interrupting the smooth line of his left eyebrow. Another gift from his brother. I had nothing to do with that injury; it happened just before I met him. Dex has a small collection of other less noticeable scars on various parts of his body; most of them are results of altercations with his twin. 

He swears that his brother has similar scars caused by him, Dex, but I'm not sure I believe him. I've definitely never seen any of them. Through the years, I've been trying my best to return these favours to Galen.

Those facial scars are the only attributes that would bag Dex the description of rugged. It really pisses me off, and not because it would stop him from being a pretty wife. Looks are really not all that important in life if you don't plan on making a career out of winning beauty pageants.

I'd marry him even if he were a tough-looking wife. What pisses me off is the fact that the scar and the broken nose are on the face of the least violent person I know. It pisses me off that Galen thinks it's okay to go at Dex full force when he loses his temper. It also pisses me off that Dex just lets him. 

I am sure that if he wanted to, he could knock Galen on his arse, he is strong enough to do it. He doesn't want to, though. So, I do it for him. Well, I used to. Often. Not so much anymore after my last fight with Galen caused Dex to get injured. Definitely not an outcome either of us had been trying to achieve. 

That's one thing the arsehole and I can agree on.

Declan has a thick unruly thatch of golden-brown hair that has a nice, warm coppery sheen when he stands in the sun. His hair tends to try to curl in random patterns and he usually just lets it have its way. He's never cared about looks much either.

His eyes and his smile counter the brother-inflicted ruggedness. His smile is warm enough to melt chocolate on a cold day and his eyes, a deep blue, have the gentlest spark in them I've ever seen, and I've seen my dad's eyes. There's no way that his smile and those eyes could belong to a brute.

Paisley once described Dex's lips as extremely kissable and the look on her face at the time made me worry that she was going to try to do just that. For some reason, she's always trying to kiss people. 

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