Chapter 15: Ranni the Witch

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A/N: "This Tarnished can't possibly be this helpful!" ~ Ranni, probably.


She had to admit... she'd underestimated Melina's Tarnished. For him to follow her here... no, it was best to back up, just a little bit.

When the Tarnished had returned with the Fingerslayer Blade, Ranni had been duly impressed. Truly, twas a testament to the tenacity of the man that her fragment had chosen, that he could not only continue along Melina's path, but also work so hard in service to Ranni as well.

It was unfortunate that he'd had to kill her brother to get her what she wanted, but really... General Radahn had been dead a long time ago. All the Tarnished had really done was put down a maddened animal. Or rather, that's what Ranni wished she could say. In truth, she knew that was not all there was to it.

Some would say that Radahn had succumbed to their half-sister's rot. That Malenia's last vengeance upon Caelid had been complete in its totality, destroying the land, the people, AND the General in one fell swoop. But that wasn't quite the case, now, was it? No, because up until the point when the Tarnished delivered unto her brother his final rest, Radahn had still been at it. He'd still been holding back the stars, all for the sake of their father's precious Golden Order.

Ranni did not think herself bitter. She was, at her heart, an entirely rational being. Her purpose was her own, one chosen not FOR her, but BY her, of her own volition. She had not considered herself tied to the Greater Will and the Two Fingers since her Empyrean Flesh had been slain and she'd taken to inhabiting her doll body.

And yet... and yet, that same rationality had whispered in her ear all this time that there was no other way. Was it sentiment that had stayed her hand until now? Or had she simply been waiting for the right champion to come along? The Tarnished really was quite the capable sort, wasn't he?

He'd done what even Malenia had not, and slain General Radahn on the field of battle. And thus, the stars were no longer held back. And thus, the path to the Eternal City of Nokron was opened once more. And thus... the Fingerslayer Blade found its way into Ranni's possession.

She'd half-anticipated betrayal, but the Tarnished hadn't even considered it. Seluvis had tried, of course, and Ranni had finally ended him for it, but the Tarnished hadn't so much as thought twice about it. No, rather, the Tarnished had not even given Seluvis the time of day. There had been no chance for the Preceptor to even attempt to pull the other man into his repulsive schemes.

In the end, Ranni had been pleased to give the Tarnished the Carian Inverted Statue and send him on his way, freed from her service. Twas only right. They had served each other's needs well enough, and she saw no reason to try and bind him any further, lest he decide to turn on her after all. Twas always best to keep such... capable individuals on friendly terms.

That said, she had not expected to ever see him again. Which was why it was so astonishing, when he'd appeared in Ainsel River, and collected her doll. Not the usual doll body one might find her inhabiting in her tower, but a miniature version that Ranni had specifically designed to house her soul so she could get in nice and close to the Two Fingers.

Unfortunately, things hadn't turned out quite the way she'd wanted, and she'd ended up stranded... until Melina's Tarnished had come along.

Now, as the Tarnished sits at a Site of Lost Grace and holds her miniature form up gently in one hand, Ranni can't help but feel that there's an unforeseen intelligence in those eyes of his. He knows exactly what he's doing. He knows exactly who he's dealing with. The silence stretches as he stares down at her patiently, neither judging nor condemning her. Until finally... she simply can't take it anymore.

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