Chapter 28: Lunar Princess Ranni

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A/N: This chapter actually wasn't originally in the outline back when I was writing this story, but it had to be added for obvious reasons. (Specifically the Ranni quadruple handjob video by Saint UVUV that can be found on Twitter lmao)


In the aftermath of her final victory over her Two Fingers and the ascension she'd long sought, Ranni recognizes that she has quite a bit more to be grateful for than even she initially thought. Indeed, the Tarnished who she had taken as a Consort... he had done more for her than she could possibly have understood, at least at the time.

While Ranni and her soon-to-be Consort had traveled the Ainsel River, and he had faced down the Two Fingers' Baleful Shadows for her, things had taken a turn for the worst, up above. As Ranni had made her way to the Moonlight Altar, and entered the Cathedral of Manus Celes, the Two Fingers' agents had also been on the move, even then.

It was just like them, to be several steps behind her at all times. Indeed, the Two Fingers had been so secure in their safety, so sure that they were untouchable in their hiding place, that they had spared barely any thought to their own defense. After the defeat of that final Baleful Shadow, Ranni had faced not one single adversary more before she'd stood before the Two Fingers, Fingerslayer Blade in hand.

The reason for that was simple. The Two Fingers' remaining agents were hunting for her where she no longer was, and upon finding nothing of her where they thought they would find her, they had instead taken it out upon her loyal subjects.

In the aftermath of her Consort's recovery of the Fingerslayer Blade, her War Counselor Iji had taken it upon himself to make sure Blaidd was not easily subverted by the Two Fingers, especially with Ranni's victory so very close at hand.

... She did not blame Iji, for the decision he'd made. In truth, it was probably the correct one. However, she did feel regret over the pain Blaidd had suffered as a result. In the end, even though Iji had locked Blaidd up in the Forlorn Hound Evergoal, it had not stopped the Two Fingers from making their move. Their agents had conspired to release Blaidd, and loyal as he was, he had returned to her tower, intent on protecting her from all threats.

Alas, this was all according to their enemy's plan. Though he slew the agents who had conspired to use him against her, twas not before they delivered the maddening poison to his veins. Their weapons drove him to insanity, and provoked Blaidd into a feral, hungering beast who could no longer see friend from foe. He would have tried to slay anyone who came close to him, be it her or Iji or even her Fair Consort. All in the name of trying to protect her.

As she was now as Lunar Princess, Ranni could see the path fate might have taken. With her Fair Consort coming for a visit, only to be forced to slay Blaidd. The news, once delivered to Iji, would have broken her dear War Counselor, prompting him to remove the helm-piece that had protected him from the scrying of the Two Fingers' agents. The end result would have been his joining Blaidd in death.

Thanks to her Consort, Ranni had fair warning. Thanks to her Tarnished's admonishment, she did not let these things come to pass as they could have. Blaidd's madness was not easily cured, but she would be quite the loathsome mistress, to not save him simply because it was not an 'easy' thing to accomplish. Recapturing him had been the first order of business, so that he could not hurt anyone else, or be hurt in turn.

Curing him had taken some days more, but what would have been impossible for Ranni the Witch was not remotely as difficult for Lunar Princess Ranni. The Two Fingers were slain, and the last of their agents were finally hunted down. Blaidd was cured, and he and Iji were safe. All... all was as it should be. And Ranni had her Consort to thank for this... for refusing to let her ignore the trees in favor of the forest.

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