Chapter 34: Roundtable Respite #3

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A/N: Here we are with Roundtable Respite #3! Which means we've reached the end of Act 3. Next chapter will be the beginning of Act 4!


They drag him into the Deathbed Companion's old room the moment he returns to Roundtable Hold. All four of them, even the newest of their number, the Scout Rya. He doesn't seem all that surprised either, just smiles at them knowingly, as they work together to push him towards the bed and strip him of his armor and clothing.

Nepheli Loux had not been idle in her fellow Tarnished's absence. As her lover had gone around the Lands Between, continuing to collect Great Runes and putting every other would-be claimant to shame, Nepheli had in turn been paying attention to what was going on at Roundtable Hold. She was his eyes and ears, after all. He had not said as much, he had not needed to, but she knew that she held great value to him.

Of course, the realization that the blind girl Irina and Roderika their new Spirit Tuner also had feelings and relations with her lover... that was startling. But digging deep, Nepheli had discovered that neither Irina nor Roderika had actually gone all the way with him. They'd done things for him, to help him satisfy his urges and to show their affection for him, but neither had taken the final step just yet.

She could have stepped in and intervened right then and there. She could have staked her claim and made it clear to the two girls in no uncertain terms that he was HERS, and they were merely obstacles in the way of her and her lover's happiness. She had not done that, however. For multiple reasons.

Most importantly of all, Roundtable Hold was becoming less and less friendly by the day. Despite the success of one Tarnished, the others were faring no better. It was not as if her lover had suddenly reinvigorated them all... rather, it was the exact opposite in some cases. Oh, there were a scant few who suddenly pushed themselves all the harder in the wake of his silent, nameless success. They only died for it, rushing headlong into battles they were not ready for.

But there were even more who just gave up altogether. This silent Tarnished had come along and put all their efforts to shame. He'd gone and collected more Great Runes then many of them had even known the location of in a span of time that frankly baffled the lot of them.

They were pathetic for giving up, but Nepheli could not truly blame them. She herself had realized she would never be Elden Lord. Perhaps it helped that she'd never wanted to be Elden Lord. No, she'd wanted that for her father, Sir Gideon. Hmph, though obviously, that relationship was still in utter tatters. Sir Gideon had not had a kind word for her since their last altercation. That he didn't try to remove her from Roundtable Hold only spoke to how little power the All-Knowing truly had, however.

Especially after they'd nearly come to blows when Rya arrived on their doorstep. That had been another reason Nepheli had found herself allied with Roderika and Irina. The girl was known to the inhabitants of Roundtable Hold. She was a scout for Volcano Manor, that most accursed of places that sent out Recusants to hunt down and end the ambitions and dreams of Tarnished all across the Lands Between.

Nepheli herself might have agreed with her father's disgust and hatred towards the girl, if it weren't for the news Rya had brought. The Tarnished she spoke so fondly of, who had slain Praetor Rykard and dissolved Volcano Manor... could only be Nepheli's Tarnished. Could only be Irina and Roderika's Tarnished.

Yes, perhaps Nepheli Loux, Warrior, could have stepped up and shot down Irina and Roderika's claims to her lover. But instead, she had joined with them, and together they had sheltered and shielded Rya from Sir Gideon's wrath upon her arrival at Roundtable Hold. With Ensha dead and their little alliance ostensibly backed by the Tarnished who had slain not just Gideon's enforcer, but also a number of demigods... the good Lord Ofnir dared not interfere.

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